
Even Henry Fonda thinks he's probably guilty. The question is whether there is reasonable doubt or not, and there totally was!

I am not trolling. I legitimately think that your attempt to be feminist is misogynist and shitty. Unlike you, my account is well tied to my IRL identity, and I'd be happy to speak to you by phone, via email, or in person.

Further, it's clear that this piece was written because the writer, who is a fan of Rhimes, and reviews Scandal. Does it bother you that Rhimes might get more coverage because there are more writers that think her work is worthy of discussion than Whedon's? Are you intrinsically bothered by the idea that a woman's

In the first episode we see him trying to get his brother what he deserves, and refusing a substantial bribe from Hamlin.

Treme is faster moving than Saul for you?

You just said that actions are more important than words. We got the action of Jimmy squirming in his seat for a minute, but staying totally professional and staying engaged with her. That's an important action.

I don't think this theory is crazy. I can't imagine Chuck supporting him going to law school in American Samoa for instance, but Saul personally committed a lot of felonies, and had a lot of people pissed off at him, so I don't think the running is crazy if he's a lawyer. If all he was afraid of was the police, he

Part of me is sad that we'll never get that kiss, but this was a good ending.

I'm going to pick up the Zelda XL bundle Saturday morning. I can't wait.

I'll second this. There isn't anything at all original in Caro's portrayal of JFK, as it's basically all secondary source anecdotes provided to help the reader understand his real work on LBJ, but it's astonishingly well written.

I enjoyed basically all of Batwoman actually. I'm really sad Williams if off of it.

Liked for economics/history/asshole joke.

Are you aware of a little film called Air Force One? There. Now you're thinking about a more preposterous movie.

The Late Phillip J Fry is the best episode of the show.

That scene was good. The thing we all have issues with is that when Davos points out his duty, Melisandre has to basically order Stannis to go along and spare his life. In the show he is forced to spare Davos's life at Mel's request because he is useful. In the books Davos basically shames him into realizing his duty,

GRRM himself seems to prefer ribs to writing. They have a lot in common.

It was also a movie, so don't give him too much credit.

By bays, @avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus is referring to a specific site in which internet piracy is conducted.

I'm kind of sad that Frey didn't say mayhaps, but the entire game was cut, so it wouldn't have made sense anyway.

Beddings are an actual historical thing, and yes they would make sure that she was successfully penetrated. There would probably be a curtain of some kind, but this would vary.