
Fool on the Hill is fucking awesome.

While I really love Summer Wars, I'm kind of surprised that you like it. Your comments on Pixar threads had lead me to believe that you didn't like animation targeted at an under 18 audience, even if it was artistically fantastic.

I liked Romo, but I also found Baltar interesting. I apparently liked the show for the wrong reasons.

Welcome back, Coldstream.

You have to know that anyone who agreed to go on the cruise would say that ALL THE TIME.

Suprised that the film talk is obscuring the fact that
This is the first (not a firstie) Great Job Internet that doesn't seem to be sarcastic. The digital drugs don't work at ALL, the Twitter discographies are inane ("Signs that Michael Bay is filming in your town" is a much better example of actual funny things on

Well yeah, if you find a every movie with a single matching element and combine them, then there is literally* nothing original.

Fuck you for spoiling BB in the comments. Some of us read those while watching on DVD asshole.

Yes… but you will blow me first.

Not until just now, but now I can't stop.


Not sure but
Does the "personalization" option mean that Harlan will sign any of the items? Even other authors books?

Lord of War was a good movie. Not a great one, but quite good.

I briefly confused Charlie Sheen and Michael Sheen
and this story made me sad. Now I don't care.

I agree. I plan on torrenting it as soon as I can, and it is going to be in HD quality. All HBO shows are available in HD from "sources".

That was a disgusting perversion of a classic novel. Please continue.

Isn't this exactly the same as that musical?
The one where Paris Hilton's face falls off.

"Turnabout Intruder"
OBJECTION! That was…objectionable…

Wasn't he also a lion?

He had to break in because he didn't know what specifically they had done. He knew the result, but he wanted information on the causes to treat it.