
The guy on the show you're thinking of was just a federal marshal. He was white though.

Let a friend play it first. You can skip through dialog if you've already finished the case once.

A 7-11 selling guns is like a jewelery store selling black spandex jumpsuits.

This is all because Obama told him it was warm!
Damn you Obama, you don't acknowledge Al Roker!

Damn Jason, and we might have known so much sooner if anyone had managed to get through any of her previous posts. I salute you.

The adversarial system is based on the premises of lawyers doing everything they legally can to get the best result for their client. If defense lawyers are constrained from saying anything they think may be untrue, justice is not being done.

losed people dear to them?
Yay for pedantry!


For the Wii? Not really. There are several JRPGs, but that is a very different experience. You could probably get a desktop that can play it for 300 bucks or so, and then you'd have a nice computer.

The Waterdance.

The series is well worth watching, but it is VERY talky. If it bores you too much, there is a 2 hour and 40 min movie version that cuts out the unneeded stuff. Called "The Laughing Man".

As in 11 year old girls don't like to read I think. Oh snap?

Do you meant right? Because otherwise your post makes no sense at all.

So you don't like it because other people do? You sound like a really epic douche.

Wasn't "Jews in Space" the fake trailer at the end of History of the World?

It's true that Antietam didn't do much for the Union, but a draw there was better for them than if the invasion of the north had worked out for Lee.

So, you're in favor of destroying Iranian cities, where generally pro-west people live, while leaving the anti-west rural areas entirely intact?

I live in Idaho, but it just so happens that I'll be in CA when he does the signing there.

I don't know if you'll check this thread, but I have a question I hope you can help me with.

That was the only factually inaccurate part of that post.