Dr. Stupid

wasn't sure how I felt about it initially, but since watching it, it's really stuck with me. Really well made film, hypnotic and shit. sir.

Kristen Stewart + Dakota Fanning…..Unbearable. Opposite ends of the annoying/neurotic spectrum. Like some kind of nightmare combo…

yeah it's funny how he's really natural and believable in his conversations on Curb, then he reads the Seinfeld script and gets on the set and delivers his lines exactly like he always did. Is Jerry being super meta or is he just reading how he reads?

That incident was far more painful to watch than the actual meltdown. Ugh.

HOW is HJB not a supestar? Unbelievable voice, unbelievable delivery, he's a perfectly decent looking guy… Coach M. one of the greatest characters ever…. Pretty ok pepsi commercial with Conan… Baby Pranks. Baby Pranks. Baby Pranks. Baby Pranks. You just got baby pranked.

Twogreat, I've been waiting a long time for someone to say that on these boards. YOU DID IT!

Winking smiley faces paired with ominous music- hilarious, it turns out.

Agreed! that story made my day, Internet Guy.

Half Smiles Of the Decomposed
as a huge fan of this band, I think this album is very underrated. While I know it doesn't stand up to the best albums in the GBV discography, I think it is one of the most cohesive albums they ever recorded. It's also quite a bit darker and more ominous in places than most of their

This album's been growing on me, but I agree there does seem to be something missing in the production. I know nothing about mixing so it's hard for me to know what to criticize, but everything feels sort of distant, while the first two albums sounded massive and distinct. "Gold and Final" should be one of the

Still Not
Convinced this is going to be a great film, but I got fucking EMOTIONAL watching that shit. God I'm a pussy.

This film
I saw this movie about 2 months ago, and have seen it probably 3 more times since. Right now it is definitely in my top 10 favorite movies. I hope I feel the same way in a few years.

This film
I saw this movie about 2 months ago, and have seen it probably 3 more times since. Right now it is definitely in my top 10 favorite movies. I hope I feel the same way in a few years.

Asher Roth
Carson Daly has been trying to push this guy on the public, so you know he's really fucking good.

I like Chin Up Chin Up.

These Guys Are Good Guys
I just saw these guys tonight in Denver and it was QUITE an experience. They also made me laugh a lot. I think it was almost sold out. Good for T and E, living the dream.

yeah, I just pictured Murray answering a lot of questions about himself.

I remember several of the stories, I remember reading "Guts" in Playboy before Haunted was published, and liked it fairly well. "The one where everyone is killing themselves" was a very good short story, by far the best in the book. The actual connecting story of everyone in the theater was absolutely terrible, and to

Chuck Palahniuk
After I read Fight Club, Chuck P. was my new favorite author for a while. I enjoyed Choke fairly well, too. (The movie doesn't look too promising to me though, although I really like Sam Rockwell) But every other book he's written has done almost nothing for me. Fight Club is the only book he's written

As long as it has an oily, golden, muscular man with a mullet bustin' out a crunchy saxophone solo (preferably wearing spandex pants)…I'm sold.