Dr. Stupid

Women fans: I've been listening to this album a lot lately and have really enjoyed it. It's free to download from the label. Noisier and a little more shoegazey with solid vocals, I encourage you to check it out:

HEY, quit sayin' the positive words that I'M trying to say!

If you like the S/T, you really should spend some time with Public Strain. It starts strong and slowly builds up to the strongest song the band ever made, also the final song on the album. It gives me chills every time.

"Public Strain" was such an amazing piece of work. Really sad news, and I'm guessing this isn't going to improve the chances of the band resuming writing/touring…


I never liked that Cherpty durrrr.

Yeah, Dimensional Bleedthrough by Krallice is fantastic. I have only been through Diotima twice, and it seems really good. Maybe not better than DB, but that one took me a month to fully process, so, gotta keep listening.

I did NOT LIKE the ending

Yeah!!!!!!! even if it was a hoax, it was a documentary about people gettin' tricked!!!!!

The fact that
thousands of people bought MBW (both figuratively and literally), and came out in droves for an "O.G." artist that Banksy invented/plugged, makes the film as real as it needs to be, unless you're telling me that all the people who came to the show opening were paid actors, which seems unlikely…..

…Absolutely kills me in the weekend update unprepared singers sketch. I wasn't thrilled that they included Paltrow, but I could watch Fred Armisen come up with random bullshit songs all day. Impressed that Wiig didn't start giggling this time, it's one of the only sketches that gets a giggle-pass.

Hill's direction always makes me feel like I'm watching work by Wes Anderson's angrier brother. I love it, and Observe and Report is the best example of this so far.

Skeet Ulrich looks totally badass on that cover

Only got through the first 10 seconds…
But one thing's for sure: The Rock has a picture of someone in his car.

Judging from the Decor
they filmed this interview in a Subway restaurant.

Gettin it Dunn
You were my #1, top….Best,..best boy
One of the best on the show!

Agreed. Cave-In's watered down, poppier stuff is way better than anything in that genre (Muse etc.). I respect Steve B's ability to write anthemic stuff. I really like Perfect Pitch Black.

Hopefully this means Mr. Drummer will have time to work on a Zozobra album. Love the first 2.

I love them both, but Bob wins because of his humility and humbleness. David is fantastic, but he seems to have developed a slightly entitled, superior personality. Noticed it somewhat post-Mr. Show, but it's become more pronounced post-Arrested Development.

Disagree. I was ready to be let down after city of echoes, which I liked but didn't love. This one is excellent.