a dildo shaped like louie ande

she can play my *filthy sex reference*, if you know what i mean.

classic rowsdower

next level

george zimmerman

june diane raphael is cool but crude

i was so upset.
literally, it was garbage.
next level bonezone.

apparently you also listen to HDTGM.  that is awesome.

i keep getting confounded every time i realize paul scheer is married to her.  he seems like a cool guy and all, but the two seem to be in different leagues.  way to go, paul.

to be fair, it is pronounced differently than the renaissance artist.  also, she's got the funny.

John David Thomas
Larry Michael James
Kenneth Jerry Harold
Bryan Bryan Bryan
George Ryan Carl
Peter Robert Gordon
Jason Arthur Clark

yeah, i agree. i'm only shaped like louie.  by that i mean that i'm not actually shaped like him at all and am in fact a skinny blond guy who looks like a girl and is frequently mistaken for a girl.

i know that it is wrapped in skin, but what should i do with this bone?

they've changed a bit over the years.  early SWANS are still better than early Neurosis, but Godflesh can provide similar sounds if you're interested.

the Pig Destroyer lyrics are understandable, however?

when listening to english-language music, i typically don't pay attention to the lyrics anyway.  the music is the important part.

well, it's totally blond and i can't do anything with it other than to comb it and let it hang straight.  it's kinda shoulder-length, so i can't pretend it's 'punk' at all.  when it gets curled, it doesn't hold the curl.  it still hangs straight.  when it is growing out, the left-hand side flips out some, but it comes

Neurosis is great


also: SLEEP - DOPESMOKER.  that song is great.  GREAT.