a dildo shaped like louie ande

i'm not sure that anyone is allowed to say any negative thing about Fred Rogers. he's basically the nicest guy in recent history.

that's not a knife

dave brockie is the shit

how you coming with that milk?

sean o'neal is a national treasure

i partied until i puked and then stopped partying,

but it comes with sprinkles!

the master would not approve

metallica insisted that any and all re-runs of the episode will not be available for free, and that a predetermined portion of the gross proceeds shall be sent directly to Metallica, Inc. in perpetuity.

Financially Responsible Clown Posse

this was a fairly interesting story on uninteresting characters on uninteresting shows.

@avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus yeah, well, ya know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.

even though sean o'neal is a national treasure, at least half of the hilarity of this column is directly attributable to uwe boll.  sorry, sean.

being a guy that (believe it or not) is the "you don't think it'll be good, but it's good!" type of the sex-making people, i would like to say that i think Hamburger Lady, Closer, and Spinal Meningitis are not so bad for the canoodling.
then again, it could be the case that the people i like to make the sex with are

@avclub-9da69292e584b8204f05c2be827c0347:disqus  it's cool.  many of the native english speakers use "loose" when they mean "lose."  it is one of my pet peeves.  the idiom is that 'excuses are like assholes; we all have them and they all stink.'  in your case, i won't think anything of it if you actually use English


Awake.  Awake was somehow dumber.

good grief!  more smiths!

tell me more

i'm kind of taken aback by the Charmin ads where they say something along the lines of: "tired of shitty underpants? try using Charmin!"