a dildo shaped like louie ande

not being a mulatto, i don't have much room to talk. i would, however, like to point out that some mulattoes pass as white while some (Obama) pass as black.  it seems weird to me. 

on one hand, i'm jealous that he's a handsome dude who puts his wang in the butts of hot girls.  on the other hand, wait, what's the downside?

no shame here.  i'd totally be down with it even today.  she could say "give me nine inches and hurt me" and i'd do her three times and hit her with a brick (thanks, Diceman)

this sounds bad, i guess, but one of the main reasons i enjoy watching movies is the hot women.  when i was in college, i would sit next to the window in as many classes as possible just to stare at the girls walking by.  also: i'm apparently a super creep. 



…written by Garth Ennis…


sean o'neal is a national treasure

what does an 80 year old pussy taste like?

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus yes.  maybe not the cardigan.  short pants are for boys and postal carriers.

@avclub-b8645aab12b6ba5e561fccefbf46cc0c:disqus he does some decent beatboxing on that one.  there are probably not many other Vanilla Ice slang terms around.  maybe "when a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it: just add Ice."

@avclub-5d213468da8857324393c707fb3f6f67:disqus  i heard a saying years back which i will paraphrase as: "rich kids dress like they're poor and poor kids dress like they're rich." 

i heard a saying years back which i will paraphrase as: "rich kids dress like they're poor and poor kids dress like they're rich." 

@avclub-97815cb302c2a984aac3af1ee8f68e8d:disqus i mean pants that are shorter than ankle-length.  i like to call them 'short pants' in order to further emasculate the wearers of short pants.  it's a weird thing where i irrationally dislike short pants.

i knew a guy in high school (in the 90's) who had a 'this is not a Fugazi t-shirt' shirt.  apparently he had older brothers who were around in the punk heyday and they legitimately had an original Frankenchrist album on vinyl - which i'm mentioning as a shout-out to punk fans. 
also, i don't think Fugazi made shirts.

perhaps it is a Green Manalishi.  if it has a two-pronged crown - even better.

steve perry would urge you to not stop believin

i thought those shirts had passed into ubiquity by now

do you have boobs?  even if they're manboobs, i'm cool with it.