a dildo shaped like louie ande

Penrose &
Poisson &
Newton &
Hawking &
Euler &
Shore &

for a big oily manhunk, he seems oddly nonsexual.  maybe it's just me and the whole 'hetero' thing.

at least it isn't a Fugazi t-shirt.

as a heavily mustachioed person, i stopped offering mustache rides a while back - probably because i'm an idiot and also didn't want to comb my face hair more than was necessary

it's in my eyes


@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus nice.  some folks get uptight about chili, which seems to be completely against the idea of an easy and tasty meal.

that sounds way better than my plan, which ends in food coming out later.  it hasn't worked yet.

woo!  booze!


i like the times when giada wears tight/low-cut shirts.

stolichnaya salted caramel vodka

what helped me was to get a second heart installed in my chest unit.  that second heart really helped pump the blood fluid into my air recyclers and move airbloodjuice into my human pieces.  both of my human hearts will help me become a better cyborg human destroyer.  oops.  i meant to say: "being human is great! 

i typically have high-ish blood pressure.  it isn't clinically high, but has been near 'high' for decades.  i've noticed bouts of low pressure every once in a while, but usually it's because i'm totally stoned as shit and stand up too fast.  my advice is to eat some pepperoni.  pepperoni.  pepperoni.  maybe salami. 

i tried kale on potato chips, but it was kinda disgusting.  same for slurpees and Milky Way bars.

my cat, Garfield, absolutely LOVES lasagna

i made a super-simple slow-cooker roast recently.  the warm meat & pertaters were delightful.

i'm certain that chili purists would hate my black bean / TVP / cauliflower chili, even though i add garden-fresh habaneros and ghost pepper sauce.

water works well (sometimes not alliteratively)

i don't blame you.  looking at boobs is a hard thing to pass up.