a dildo shaped like louie ande

Greco-Blood wrestling
Arena Bloodball
Rhythmic Bloodnastics
Roller Bloody
Death Race
Three-Legged Death Race

"The Raid: Redemption" was one of his best.  oops.  he wasn't in that one.

boring/annoying white people seem to like Mumford and Sons.

it gives us a good excuse to dislike people

this may have been mentioned before, but "her boobs make me happy."

once i was rude to a really beautiful girl.  it was one of the few times in my life where i was all "i don't give a fuck if you like me or not, beautiful girl" and i said to her that i was okay with the fact that she was nice to me out of pity for being an ugly guy, but i still resented her for being so pretty.  her

if i've learned only one thing in my life that i wish i had learned at age 13-15, it is that shallow, pretty girls also have sexual organs and can be convinced by ugly men to use them.

i go to her concerts alone, but generally only to perv on underage girls.

yeah, but those things you mentioned (which i like as well) are located directly above some sweet sweet bazooms.  it's a win-win-win situation.

even the 'not so nice' ones are actually very nice.  there is a point where some of them transcend 'nice' and enter the 'holy' stage, however.  for reference: Keeley Hazell

lucky for her (and us) that she has plenty of material with which to fill said brassieres.

Uh, the lady will have a bowl of gin, no ice…we don't have time for it to melt.  And I'll have a rum and rye, and could you garnish that with a couple of Tums?

"let me get the door for you, my darling suitcase.  *pause*  oh no, YOU'RE too nice."

you may be thinking of Borzage's "Street Angel."

i used to know a person who said that phrase a lot.  shortly thereafter, he was convicted of sexual assault.  true story

Have the Rolling Stones killed.


if only someone would make some incesticide

ashley deserves the thanks.

ashley deserves the thanks.