I-80d The Purple Berries

This is what happens when you don't have to pump your own gas.

[Donatella Versace is portrayed in unfunny sketch]

Furthermore, won't someone think of what the fucking children will think of someone fucking children?

I'm gonna slap a ho like Super Mario.

I think this one's going to turn out to be a real flop.

Outlaw decides to leave fall primetime schedule for series of direct to video movies.

Numbers don't lie. I'm the number five!

Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?

Poe Cottage has its own park and it's in the Bronx, so obviously that's the best one.

I'm from old no money. I can't stand all these fuckin nouveau po.

What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

There's sure to be plenty of nepenthe quaffing.

Girls, girls, girls. You're both human beings. You both put your bras on one leg at a time.

I play right field, it's important you know.

Too derivative


Come on guys, howard you like it if the ducks were making bad puns about us?

I remember watching some of those episodes when I was younger. Unfortunately it was mostly on basic cable or syndication, so I got the sanitized versions, but there were some pretty interesting stories. Definitely better than any of the later incarnations of the Twilight Zone.

One morning I shot an Olyphant in my pajamas.

I think we need to Ask ourselves if this obsession with bad puns is Emblamatic of a deeper problem.