I-80d The Purple Berries

Dollhouse? So she's an Active? Now it's all starting to make sense.

You think that's bad? I was three levels down.

If you tape a bunch of lions together you get Voltron.

Check the credits, David S. Goyer, Ghost Rider, and for the right price
Neveldine and Taylor can even make yo' shit tighter.

I always suspected Ghost Rider secretly rocked out to Debussy.

Ghost Rider Die


It also guest starred Nichelle Nichols from TOS and Kate Mulgrew from Voyager. I believe Gargoyles itself qualifies as a Star trek series.

Damn, I was hoping it was about the show too. Well I'm sure it will get made eventually. Because they know something we don't. Something that only comes with age. They know how to wait.

TFA did one of those five week trainings at my college when I worked Summer Housing. Not sure how much they learned about teaching in that time, but they sure lost their keys and got locked out of their rooms often enough. Make of that what you will.

Certain musical numbers could still work.

I heard they were originally going to nominate Nick Offerman for best actress in order to generate publicity, but he turned it down and told them to give it Amy Poehler instead.

"No, no, no, fingerprints." "I don't think so."

Happy Town fans are just going to show up at the FlashForward protest and abduct someone while everyone's eyes are closed.

They seemed pretty popular; getting rid of those rogues could be a risky gambit.

Probably not, since they're all guys. Unless a couple of them are claustrophobics.

He's alive!

Anger clouds the mind.

Inconsistent is definitely the best way to describe it. The show's trying to be too many things at once. It has great satiric moments, then immediately undercuts them with sappy melodrama. It's like what you would get if Strangers with Candy were combined with an actual after school special, with some High School

About time Goofus and Gallant got their own show.