I-80d The Purple Berries

This was the first movie I thought about when I saw the title of the inventory. The backstory for Hancock and Theron's character had huge potential, and the implications of it would have made for a great movie in better hands. Besides being and looking completely ridiculous, the fight scene between them doesn't even

I enjoyed the way Malcolm McDowell portrayed Linderman in Season One. The way they went back and fucked that character up was one of the reasons I finally gave up on the show.


As someone with a generally anti-legalized abortion view, I found the film to be rather trenchant in it's satire of both sides of the issue. Having been pretty involved in the "pro-life" movement for several years, I found it disappointing how serious conversations about a complex issue got reduced to which group

I'm going to mysteriously abduct one person every year until they bring the show back.

It's kind of like American Gothic and Picket Fences if they had purposefully gone way over the top in every single scene. I actually really enjoy Happy Town, but it's definitely not on the same level as either of those shows.

I enjoyed the movie as a whole but the fight scenes were definitely the most disappointing part. I found it ironic that Hogan's fight scene, which was intended as comic relief to Natasha's, was actually one of the better ones in the movie in that at least there was some back and forth and it wasn't over in 5 seconds.

I never watched the show regularly, but I did enjoy many of their music video parodies. That always seemed to be the one thing they did better than other sketch comedy shows.

My Double Down keeps talking shit to the dealer.

As is Sad Kermit's

This is like O. Henry and Alanis Morissette had a baby, and named it this exact situation."

1982. I'm actually the second youngest person at my office (up until a few months ago the youngest), so I get to make the wiseass age-related remarks instead of being on the receiving end. The fact that kids born in the nineties will be graduating college and entering the workforce in a couple of years is a little

I have to agree on this past season. I watched the first couple of episodes expecting it to be stupid, but I actually found it to be one of the funnier shows on TV this year, and better than Scrubs has been in a long time. Denise and Drew are one of my favorite screen couples ever, and I certainly didn't miss all the

I'm not really a fan
of all these new muppets.

All these crazy outfits are obviously reference to Lindsay Lohan.

I've actually been listening to all the Sad Kermit songs the whole time I've been reading the article and comments. Great stuff.

I think she has a point. I definitely remember all the Oprahs and Madonnas I went to school with.

I'm fairly certain they were referring to Mayor John Lindsay.

April's gay ex-boyfriend and his boyfriend's new boyfriend?

I don't go in for all this lowebrow humor.