I-80d The Purple Berries


Tigress Womann

I suspect Alec Guinness is tied up in this somehow.

Good thing my tattoo session with a certain famous friend has yielded a perfect statement of my non-involvement in this conflagration.

As someone who looks like a cross between Chewbacca and Robin Williams, I plan to organize a formal protest unless they at least CGI a little chest hair in there somewhere.

Clearly his mistake was wailing on her like she was a man. Totally overlooks the effectiveness of hair yanking and titty twisting.

Clearly she exceeds them both as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December.

I stayed with it through the first season mostly just for the novelty and to see where they'd go with it, but I probably wouldn't have planned to watch the second if not for the fact that they replaced the writers. Hearing Darabont talk about the show and upcoming season, I'm actually pretty excited for it.

In Soviet Equestria, mass grave dig a pony.

I've often thought it would make a good drinking game to do a shot every time this show used another obvious, lazy cliche to move an episode along, but I was always afraid I'd pass out before the second half.

Well in her defense, the mother fucking planet boasts some serious thespians. All those oedipal issues give them a pretty deep well to draw from.

Danger Zone.

I hear Nick actually taught Link how to fight
so that he could get Zelda to marry him.

If it were well-done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were well-done quickly.

I wonder how this will affect my chances of selling my screenplay for Tignome of Athens.

I think this would be the perfect team to take a run at The Skin of Our Teeth.

Stupid sexy results.

Good call on cutting these scenes. The film is way too busy and frenetic as it is.

You've got to preheat the oven if you want your dinner to be ready on time.

Fabricating reviews is streets behind.