
Was angrily nerd-shambling down here to say the exact same thing.

If you're not jacked in, you're not alive!

Angel starts off as a decent case-of-the-week show, arguably peaked in the spectacular second season, and has its highs and lows until the back end of season 5, which is fantastic. It is consistently hilarious, however. And almost worth it for the character of Lorne alone.

Lestat's pretty goddamn repellent. He's totally self-involved and stoops as low as eating a mother and her infant child at one point. I may have been into those books as a teen.

There's that episode when Tara's family turn up (Which I think is called "Family"?) where he's got a great line too:

You're right: it can be read either way, but I always took it, given Xander's history, as jealous spite. I love Xander's character but when it came to Buffy and Angel he was always an unrelenting dick.

You would say that!

I kinda felt the same way. I found Professor X swearing so profusely to be really out of character, too. Felt like the only reason he was doing it was because it was R-rated and they could (by the by, I couldn't give a fuck about profanity in a movie, it just sat wrong in Professor X's mouth).

Of all the reasons to hate Trump, this really isn't one.

You enjoy driving on the roads someone else built?

America is going through a weird hairshirt phase. Seems appropriate and even inevitable that it's going to affect everything, even pop-culture sites.

Because it would be obnoxious as hell for everybody to be putting on bad French accents for the whole movie. See also: the original, in which everybody except Lumière had an American or British accent.

Why the fuck this movie even has to exist is beyond me. What could it possibly say that Alien and Aliens didn't already say better?

Tucker's brother.

Yes, Anita Sarkeesian is such an awful person, making videos about video games as if she like, had a right to an opinion or something.

Demolition Man is fucking fantastic for the swear-boxes alone.

Honestly the greatest TV show ever, hands down. "Postpartum" is just so brutal to watch and "Family Meeting" is the most satisfying ending I've ever seen to a TV show.

You don't see a problem with your department of education having such appallingly sloppy standards?

Agreed. I managed to complete the game on Grounded and it was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences of my life. The bloater encounters are intensely frustrating though — the high school gym one took forever.

The Punisher's boss fight with the Russian. One of the best boss fights in a game ever.