
Fact: British people have the healthiest teeth in the world. Not the whitest or the straightest, mind, but they are the healthiest in terms of cavities, tooth decay etc.

You've picked a rather pointless hill on which to die.

Hot take

I am strongly reminded of that one Hitman level where you assassinate an asshole pop star in a Thai hotel resort.

Nobody should write a fictionalised version of themselves into their work. It comes across as too much of an exercise in conscious self-deprecation at best, or completely self-indulgent at worst. King went for the former but it was still way too much of the latter.

Honestly (and speaking as a huge Stephen King fan) I found the books really underwhelming, and I'm optimistic that any structural changes they make to the story/chronology can only be for the better.

I'm guessing you're not Asian.

Well if they're gonna print all those sexy pictures of Bearded Devils and Beholders, what did WotC expect?

Interview with the Vampire was a fantastic movie. The books, alas, are not. I was embarrassingly into them as a teenager, and they're ultimately pretty overwrought and hand-wringing.

My God, what a depressing contrast. I can't even think of anything funny to say. It's truly terrifying that that misogynistic, self-aggrandising, bloviating lackwit is occupying the White House after such a class act.

She looks like Alice Cooper's embalmed corpse in that header photo.

That was pretty bodacious, dude.

"Blood, violence, and sexual content". Riiiight. The moral panic surrounding Night Trap was the most ridiculous overreaction to video games I've ever seen (even more than Hot Coffee). I've seen more blood and sexual content on Nickelodeon.

I, too, often think about which fictional women I'd rather punch.

I think the original is much better too. From the pointlessly padded-out prologue the scene was set: there was no need for that ballroom scene at the prince's and it just slowed everything the hell down. It took them ten minutes to do what the original did so elegantly with a minute of stained-glass window shots, and

Also Bloodborne's Yahar'gul, Unseen Village can eat a bowl of dicks.

Everyone knows the sewer crawl from Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines is clearly the worst fucking level ever.

You forget, sir, about Go Fish!

Tara is legitimately great in season 6. She's Buffy and Dawn's rock throughout the shittier things that happen in that season, which of course makes it that more of a gut punch when she dies.

Yeah, I always wondered about that. Since the chip is wired into Spike's brain, surely it goes off based on his perception of what is a demon and what's not? It's not like the no-violence spell in Caritas, it's just a neural chip. I've thought way too much about this.