
Please, just… stop with the '-gate' suffix.

The Mayor is way too awesome to be compared to Trump.

Because you like your news jingoistic, semi-literate and factually alternate.

I can't speak for America but Google can. In Britain both are accepted, but I guess you guys only use 'judgment'.

I think the point of the 'sexy dream' is not just a sexy dream for the sake of it, but Stripes 'remembering' what he has waiting for him back home (a recurring trope in military fiction). The woman and the beautiful house is just as much of an illusion as the roaches: the soldiers don't just buy a lie that their

Quentin Tarantino is a silly self-aggrandising arsehole with phenomenal taste in music.

TWD is objectively shit though

No one needs to hear that shit. Nobody is denying what she did was utterly heinous. But no one can deny that the hatred she was subjected to far outweighed that which Brady was. I'm not making excuses for her at all, because she was utterly guilty, but her guilt is beside the point when taken in the context of this

I find it hilarious that Stephen Baldwin had to settle for the Twitter name "@StephenBaldwin7".

He speaks to Kevin in the lobby of the hotel briefly.

Protip: any post that ends with 'typical' can safely be disregarded.

Where's Uncle Enzo when you need him?

People complain when games are released as half-finished, buggy messes and they complain when games get delayed. I'd rather have a delayed, polished game than a day-one Bloodlines, for instance.

Yeah, fuck that guy. He should be working on the game every single fucking hour of the day instead of wasting time on frivolous things like Twitter, toilet breaks or food.

Shit. Overanalyse much?

Is it that important, though? I mean you understood his/her meaning, right?

Couldn't agree more. I read the books as a by-product of having watched the first couple of seasons, started reading the Expert reviews and had to stop. Some of the commenters there are fairly insufferable.

Out of interest, what did you hate about the ending? Because I thought it was pretty much perfect.

This thread's keeping you pretty busy, eh?

I'm no drownologist, but surely once your lungs have filled with water, you're done unless someone resuscitates you?