
You kinda missed the part where he/she requested no spoilers, eh?

Immediately googled "Twi'lek porn".

To be completely off-topic for a second, why the hell do you always like your own comments?


Does anyone know if the Civil War storyline will be limited to this movie? A single Cap-focused movie doesn't seem as if it would have the time to do justice to the concept.

I cannot even begin to describe how much Simpson's arc has begun to bore me. He went way too fast into crazy pill-popping guy mode, and this doctor of his who patched him up and gave him these drugs makes me feel as if I'm being punished for having not read the comics. Jesus, Simpson was just some random cop

One thing I did like about the episode was the parallels between Jeri and Kilgrave. She got what she wanted — her ex out of the picture — and though she didn't manipulate her fiancée before the fact, it was SO Kilgrave of her to say "I didn't tell you to do anything. You chose to smash her skull in."

The survivors' group turning on Jessica was completely ridiculous. The most contrived of contrived plot points to get Kilgrave free. And the sister's reaction to the death of her brother? Not trauma or upset or a breakdown — instead, she immediately turns it into a catty reason to rally people against Jessica.

Hey, he spent like two nights chained to a toilet. If a junkie's not clean after that they're basically a lost cause.

You'd think in 2015, we'd see more sympathetic characters engaging in casual sex without the need to label them as 'promiscuous', but apparently TV and movies haven't got the memo that people who have casual sex need not be either 'damaged' or 'promiscuous'.

The latter, if Sava's Daredevil reviews are anything to go by.

I thought she took the gun out of her bag. Her purple bag.

I guess some of these lines might have been funny in context (except the Jimmy Carr one — that one is always funny) but devoid of context, this video is just a bunch of people saying things.

Donald Trump personally goes down to the US-Mexico border to shoot the shit with border guards, because of course he does.

I think if the series has demonstrated anything (and indeed, history) it's that the 'rightful' king is the one murders every other motherfucker.

That's really cool, that you come to a comment board for a show to tell people that you didn't watch pivotal scenes because you were making sandwiches. That's so edgy, man.

To avoid the khalasar realising that she married another man? Aren't Dothraki widowers supposed to go to that lame retreat?

I think it was because of, like, themes or whatever.

That Red God sure moves in mysterious ways. Three leeches' worth of blood is good for two kings, but a sacrificed daughter gets you a hanged wife and half a massacred army.

They made me feel sympathy for Cersei, goddamnit. I was almost in tears when Lena Heady went down, crying, and pulled herself back up onto bleeding soles.