
'pissing' as in 'pissing off', from the looks of it.

Perhaps Sandler can make up for it by having Sacheen Littlefeather decline his inevitable Oscar.

I can say, without hyperbole, that this comment section is the reason I finally went back and killed that stupid fuck.

That majority of the game was so well designed. The black/gold colour scheme, the Renaissance-inspired fashion, the shitty boss fights (OK not the shitty boss fights) and above all the soundtrack. The opening sequence and the various endings were enhanced a hundredfold by the gorgeous music. I loved that game so much

I am in the Nightmare of Mensis and currently have no desire to push on. Like, at all. Fuck that bridge hunter.

I have the Deus Ex: Human Revolution soundtrack on my iTunes and have listened to the title theme more times than is healthy.

So in your analogy, the viewers who don't object are creepy old hypocrites and the ones who do are religious fanatics?

Well, that is certainly an unfortunate thing for them to have said since Ben's death worked completely fine as a consequence of his and Karen's investigation without it being using as a flippant way of 'motivating' the protagonist. Sigh.

The complaint (for me) isn't that the reviewer is complaining about the portrayal of women — it is important that negative portrayals of women are challenged — but that he is finding negative portrayals of women where there blatantly aren't, e.g. Karen. Karen is consistently smart and doesn't take shit, yet Sava

Boy do I don't like the 'experts'/'newbies' distinction (I know that's not your fault, it's just a patronising way to distinguish the two fanbases).

They inexplicably didn't show a penis when it made perfect thematic sense to do so. Not really sure why this show is so prudish towards the male form and yet revels in showing as many tits as possible.

Avoiding spoilers is completely impossible if you actively watch it.

I haven't been able to stand Jonathan Pryce since his laughably poor performance in Pirates of the Caribbean. And a nice bit of hypocrisy on the nudity front — seven fully nude women, but the High Septon's dick remains off-screen despite his ritual humiliation being a huge part of that scene. Full frontals are fine,

I am the exact same way about Harry Potter. Everybody raved about it so much I was completely turned off and have no desire to watch the movies or read the books. Besides which, I read 'the Worst Witch' when I was a kid and I understand it's essentially the same thing.

Ben's death had absolutely nothing to do with Daredevil and Matt didn't even know him particularly well. He died because he went to see Fisk's mother.

They must really hate guaranteed commercial and critical successes over at Konami. Either that or this is a huge publicity stunt (though I don't know if anticipation could be any higher after PT).

When Agents of Shield hit I watched the first episode and I thought, for a couple of minutes, that Gunn from Angel was going to represent a working-Joe's-eye-view of the attack on New York and we were going to get a more street-level view of the fallout of all the superhero shenanigans. I was wrong (and disappointed),

Women and children are 'victimised' with far less frequency than men in the series. I am honestly baffled at this mindset that women, children and non-white male characters are apparently supposed to be kept off-limits for fear of offending, and whilst I realise that you are not necessarily advocating this, Sava

Not really sure what it was he said that was creepy.