

Come on. Everyone knows that women are never victims of violent crime in real life and the Daredevil showrunners are secretly advancing some kind of ultra-misogynistic agenda despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Personally I'm glad that Fisk has given up on his vaguely noble "I have a dream for this city" schtick. The man is a murderer with ties to human trafficking and heroin. Time he realised he's not the man this city needs or deserves, but just a massive bastard. Now he can presumably work on getting to the 'Born Again'

After establishing a particularly realistic and gritty tone for an entire season, it was fairly jarring. Over at IGN they're loving it, though!

I was getting a serious Burton/Early Nolan "can't move my neck so I have to move my entire head like a whiplash victim" vibe from the Daredevil suit. Since Fisk's suit was more or less a normal suit with a hidden armoured lining, why can't Daredevil's be as minimalist and thin as that? Shit, I'd be much happier with

I was surprised how much I came to enjoy the bare-bones "I'm just here to punch Russian dudes" black suit. The red suit was a bit of a jarring transition.

Aaaand we're back to the hypersensitive reviewer. It's extremely off-putting that you keep making these reviews about gender. You seem to think that Karen should be stoic and impassive about just having shot a guy dead because she has a uterus, and any other portrayal is instantly a slight against all women. By doing

Yeah. I don't recall their going to see her in this episode.

Warden Norton and Leland Owsley is a false dilemma. The correct answer is Chief George Earle.

This comment is really really late, but I've lived in China for eight years and waving cats are a pretty common sight here.

Alien 3 got way more hate than it deserved. The Assembly cut is actually a pretty decent movie.

Has he not hit non-metahumans at super-speed before? I can't remember and they tend to be pretty inconsistent with the constraints of his powers. In any event, he could have just as easily disarmed them before either could react.

Fuck off.

I ran (so far away)

Yeah, there was absolutely no reason for them not to put the temperature-resistant thingamajiggy in the Flash's costume. The entire fight sequence near the end was just head-scratchingly infuriating. Just fucking punch them in the face and go home.

So punching the pair of them in the face at super speed wasn't an option? That was some Superman-level contrivance right there.

I got the impression that Manson was an intelligent and well spoken guy under his wacky make-up and shock-rock shtick, but he just came across as a complete tool in this interview.

It's a stupid reaction that speaks more to the mindset of those that see sexuality than the intention or effect of the video itself.

What a load of fuss over fucking nothing.