
I agree, but in this instance I think this was just more of a flavour thing. You don't need to know they were hit by napalm, but if they wanna tell you that on the Talking Dead that's fine. Anything interesting that comes up on the Talking Dead inevitably crops up in the AV Club comments, though, so still have no

It would be a shame to kill her off after a long stretch of relegating her to the role of a well-paid extra. Hopefully they salvage her somewhat (before killing her brutally because nihilism).

I resent that. I can run faster than Eugene.

The cop held Daryl down and tried to let a walker eat him. Rick should have absolutely shot him in the face.

Didn't much care for this episode to be honest. Except for Darryl headbutting the cop with someone else's head (and Christ was that tense, when his fingers were skittering over the zombie's teeth) it struck me as a whole lot of nothing happening.

Kinda like you always italicise the third or fourth word in your posts? I can't figure out if you're berating me or adding emphasis.

'Rotter' is also something Billy Bunter would call someone he was forced to fag for at boarding school. Doesn't mean what it sounds like. OK, it might mean what it sounds like, too.

Good catch! I totally didn't recognise him from Terriers.

Without antibiotics too, you'd assume he's definitely getting tetanus or at least an infection.

As soon as she went to the window I was like 'she's lucky this is a good guy, he could totally rush her… oh.'

I thought Glenn was talking about the super-herd down the road.

Biters, rotters, walkers, dead ones… I love that every group has to come up with increasingly clunky ways of referring to zombies because people are apparently forbidden on pain of death from using the word 'zombie' in zombie media.

Upvoted for unconsciously plagiarising your comment like two comments up

You think they'd need to pad? The Stand is a behemoth. First film is the gang getting getting together, second is finding Mother Abigail, third setting up Boulder/Vegas, fourth the (hopefully in some way altered from the original ending) showdown.

Gary Sinise, while not a terrible actor, was awful casting as Stu, too.

If ever a book could comfortably fill four movies, this is it.

Ultimately, this doesn't change the fact that Ghostbusters will always be an amazing film no matter what and Ghostbusters 2 will always be a much better film than most people give it credit for. People will bitch that this 'reboot' shits on the legacy of the original(s), but it won't. Ray saying 'listen? Do you smell

That Ernie Hudson interview was despicable. The guy has just heard that one of his friends has died and this fucking jerk is shoving a mic in his face and asking the most inane questions. "So your friend is dead, huh? How about Ghostbusters 3?" Fucking moron. Hudson has the patience of a saint.

These games pale in comparison to the true owner of the 'social stealth' crown that Ubisoft (honestly one of the worst software companies out there) pretend to: pre-Absolution Hitman.

We did see that in the first season, yes. But showing things that have happened before is not inherently a bad thing or a waste of time. Contrasting that immediately with a smash-cut to who Carol is now would illustrate just how far she's come.