
I actually unironically love it. I think part of that is that I've lived in China for eight years and really hate the run-of-the-mill mawkish 'girl loses the love of her life' ballads that are so popular here.

Absolutely. I was reading the comments over there for season 2 of the game and there were some absolute tools there banging on about what a whore one of the female characters was because she dared to have casual sex. It was fine for the guy to have had casual sex though.

I never understood product-placement gripes. I bet people bitched about the Coca-Cola can in the Road too, but you know what? People drink that shit in real life. Adds to the moment for me, if anything. It's like when people order 'a beer' in a bar — it's distracting.

The problem is that George Lucas fleshed out Boba Fett with a child actor. See also: Anakin Skywalker.

I probably stole that off you, actually. Someone mentioned it in the comments section a few weeks ago.

I was actually thinking about the state of animals in TWD. You never see them at all. Presumably they aren't infected by the virus, but a feral dog every now and then might shake things up a bit.

Not understanding the hate for season 5. I personally found it as watchable as ever, though the prison storyline dragged a bit and [SPOILER]

I was always extremely uncomfortable with Dollhouse's central premise, and had a hard time getting invested in the storylines of the non-Doll characters, who are essentially rapists/facilitators of rape no matter how much you sugar-coat and how much the show seemed to want me to think Boyd was a decent guy (at least

It's a good point, and one that I've never considered before with regards to Buffy and Angel. There's even that one episode where Cordelia has a one-night stand and is 'punished' with a demonic pregnancy. However, Kaylee in Firefly has casual sex in a way that isn't demonised (heh) and does not make her out to be a

Prison Break wasn't even watchable for one episode. I can't stand Wentworth Miller and the one facial expression he's apparently capable of when acting.

Season 2 of Angel is easily its best. It got weird in the final season but the finale was wonderful.

I don't know if that explains or complicates Andrew Lincoln's pronunciation thereof.

A much stronger flashback would have been to get the actor who played Ed back to do some pre-apocalypse scenes. A reminder of who Carol was then and who she is now would have worked better than the, as you point out, quite pointless flashbacks.

I honestly don't remember Daryl ever acting racist. And if he finds a working bike, I'm sure nobody in the group cares if it's got the SS emblem on the side.

Hell, they should just hire Garth Ennis as showrunner. Preacher and his Constantine run are wonderful.

Also crab-walking meat locker woman may have been a thinly veiled Exorcist rip-off, but she was extremely unsettling.

Whoops, yep. My bad. I should have written 'Hellblazer' rather than 'Constantine'.

John in the comic-book version of this episode, in a nutshell: smackhead friend comes to him with the same problem, more or less. John strings him along, locks him up, and then forces the hunger demon into him against his will. Literally the first storyline and John has betrayed a childhood friend and condemned him to

Easily the best episode yet. I can't believe last week's episode got a B and this got a C-.

I don't wanna be that GoT 'you totally have to read the books to understand it man' guy, so I'll try not to be. The episode was a departure from the source in that it paints John in a way more sympathetic light. I get that, because he's the 'hero' of a network TV show and let's not expect miracles here — tuning in for