
A C? Are you fucking kidding me? This was the best episode so far by a mile. Wasn't thrilled with the change from the source material (his friend being all thrilled and beatific when it turned out he was gonna be sacrificed as opposed to John stringing him along) but it was way truer to Constantine's character than

Pretty sure Wynn Duffy has touched Mikey.

I refuse to like your post because you sit at exactly 21.

Yeah, it always amazes me in things like Goodfellas when criminals let people sit behind them like that. Pull a Wild Bill and insist they switch with you or sit on the other side.

Fuck yes. He's such a skinny, inept Michael Rooker analogue it's untrue.

Yeah, fuck this guy releasing 1-2 books a year. Why can't he be more like George RR Martin?

Couldn't agree more with Dark Tower. HATED that he wrote himself into the books. There's no real way of doing without coming across as (a) self-indulgent or (b) artificially self-deprecating in a way that seems self-indulgent.

You must have waited so long for the opportunity to make a contextualised Reginald VelJohnson joke.

I have a T-shirt that just says 'Venkman Stantz Spengler'. *Hangs head in shame*

They get themselves a mean motherfucking servant of God, they're all a go.

Same. I went in with a negative attitude because I suppose I resented the comic-book trio taking time away from the other groups, but it was actually pretty engaging. That they made me feel something for Eugene at the end was quite the coup, since he's been a boring nerd-cypher for the most part.

I dunno. Rick tore a guy's throat out with his teeth. A fight between him and Abe would be epic in a Brienne/Hound kind of way.

Yeah, if you're gonna be weird, go all out and just jerk off. Guy's totally gonna have blue balls. Unless he was just storing it in the wank bank.

Near the end of the episode, she was all pale and veiny and lying on the couch. I'm sure someone said 'she doesn't have much time left' or something along those lines. She immediately got better after the broker guy ate the contract. Or am I completely misremembering?

I dunno, this episode kinda bugged me.

Am I missing something with all the hate for David S. Goyer? Two good Blade movies and the Dark Knight trilogy are pretty impressive credentials for anyone's CV, the Martian Manhunter/She-Hulk comments that I don't care about notwithstanding.

You deserve way more upvotes.

I'd pronounce it that way too, but then again, I'm British.

When they were at the prison they were growing crops, as I recall.

TWD is pretty bad when it comes to internal consistency anyway! I guess it just works because the writers say it does.