
Some sort of Thundercat?

I'll continue acting like it was, and defending it to all haters.

Flo from Progressive also worked the phones at the original Sterling Cooper.

Take out ya diiiiiiiiick.
(Yeah, I skipped a line or two. I'm not patient.)

He saved Latin!

It'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize Missourah.

IT WAS AN APPLIANCE! Even the Power Droid had legs.

Dead on regarding the Vader thing. I was 7 when Empire came out, and I left the theater rationalizing with my dad that since Darth Vader is on the Dark Side, he must be lying, right? No way he's actually Luke's dad. Right? Riiiight?

At least you weren't stuck with the FX-7 Medical Droid, the single most useless Star Wars figure ever. Always guaranteed to be in stock.

ALSO (and this may just be me getting old) he had those photos flipping through way too quickly. Slow down. Let the eye adjust. You have time. This just made me dizzy.

"BOOM, BITCH. Served."
— Number 2

That's the joke.


I tried to watch it. First episode only. Just can't get into shows about lonely little boys.
(Because that lonely little boy … was me.)

They're not much bigger than two meters.

That's No Moone Boy
(He played George Gershwin in one episode! Thanks, IMDB!)

Electric Jewbaloo?

He's also Michael, Michael and David's ex-Nazi landlord in the first episode of Stella. (R.I.P.)

It really is a copyright cornucopia.

Nobody wants to see that fake shit.