
28 years old, huh? Bachelor's from Southern Methodist, huh? White House communications director, huh? I earned a master's degree in strategic communications, and all I got was this lousy student loan debt. Imma go ahead and play in traffic now.

I knew he was trouble when he walked in.

Huckleberry Finn was a very long time ago.

Those are obligatory now?

Upper Midwest and Lower Midwest are two very, very different things.

I'd say there's a vas deferens between a run-of-the mill pun thread and what we're seeing here.

The pedant in me must mention that "Car Wash" is from the '70s. Still perfect, though.

We park our cars in the same garage. #TeamFlaca

Just we all agree … Justine is adorable, yes? And a Dead Milkmen fan to boot!

What I need in a phone is for it not to blow up in my pocket.

That's pretty much what they're starting to do. Last week, Death/Bannon took "his" desk back in the Oval Office and sent Trump to play with toys at the baby-sized desk.

Does this pave the way for the return of Carmen? Asking for a friend.

That does seem a lot more "Kardashian" somehow.

1. I'm not a bad guy.
2. Stop calling me a bad guy, OR I'LL FUCKING HAVE YOU KILLED.

They just kept on Wagon Training.

That's part of it!

If they were the "Illinois Cubs," you'd have a point. Or maybe if this were a discussion of college sports (Go Illini). State borders have no sway in pro sports, which are largely city-oriented. It's all about access. My hometown AM station was part of the Cardinals Radio Network. I went to my first Cardinals game at