The Ghost of Tom Riddle

I remember when she used to be an incredibly talented actress.

This movie looks like a piece of shit.

"This is not about creating an intellectual space! This is about making a home here! Who the fuck hired you!"

I suspect the whole thing, the race-baiting was a cover invented to distract from the Sony email scandal.

3-plus hours of white guilt, white privilege, and uncomfortable clapping and then ending the whole thing with "Fight The Power" was hilarious - really terrible show, the worst yet.

Wait, so we start with rape, lynching, tree-hanging jokes and then midway through we're supposed to take it seriously with Lady Gaga's ridiculous, overwrought, melodramatic nightmare. Even Tori Amos is like, "That's a bit rich."

Yes, it was terrible, and also, once again, unintentionally funny, especially when somebody addresses Agent Einstein, it sounds sarcastic and flippant. Carter can run the show, but somebody please keep him out of writers meetings! Please!

Zoe Kravitz was remarkable in this episode. The girl can act. What I don't understand is this penchant for pretty girls to put shit on their foreheads.

I'm guessing the metrics involve a combination of page views and comments, only 62 so far in the two weeks this review has been up. The future of the AV Club is hate-watching tawdry, crap shows and pop-culture confections that yield thousands of comments.

Reminded me a bit of the Burt Reynolds, season 9 episode, "Improbable". It wasn't terrible for me, just unfocused like a lot of Carter's efforts.

It's just a theory, but when you have a break-out star of a series that isn't the lead (Shatner's somewhat masked jealousy at all the attention Nimoy was getting during Star Trek's initial run comes to mind) there can be tension, especially in contract negotiations.

I would suspect Lauren Graham's involvement in the new project was contingent on McCarthy's absence. I can't prove it, but I surmise McCarthy was not supposed to be the breakout star nor the raging success she became as a result of her springboard from the show. In short, they didn't want to add McCarthy's ego to

Reminded me a lot of "Syzygy" - the ending in particular.

Overall, an improvement on the first episode, and they tried to work in some intentional humor this time! I did have to laugh at one moment (I know it's terrible) with all the deformed children. What's the point of the bowl of soup for the kid with the hideously-deformed face? Did you see how hard it was for the

It was Bob Newhart's dream.

My heart is on the floor. Don't step on it, or there'll be a mess. I had such high hopes for this revival, but this episode was just terrible. Other than being a variation on the 4th season finale/5th season premiere, Anderson and Duchovny seem tired and bored, and there was some unintentional humor (for me) when

I'm so glad I found this show - this episode and the premiere that preceded it made me laugh my ass off! Seriously, the funniest stuff I've seen in such a long time.

Shut your mouth!

All that time irritating me with repeated ads while I was watching Hannibal on demand, and they pull the plug!

This was much better than those last two episodes everybody seems to think were gospel.