The Ghost of Tom Riddle

Not you, the reviewer .. whom obviously had a little DWho Kool-Aid before watching…

Excellent review as per always but … I would say you didn't watch the episode and then assigned values to it that were not in keeping with what Moffat had already prescribed. If you want to write, you're permitted. Nobody's stopping you.

It's all talk on nice sets. Nothing else. Rubbish.

Terrible … just … terrible, all of it. Really bad so far, one of the worst.

But most of them involve the subjugation of women, but we don't talk about that.

Shut up! You're turning me on!

But this is Hollywood accounting - no one is going to see a profit, and everyone is going to be disappointed.

Well said.

I don't know. You might be correct. You took a brave stab at explaining it to me, but the fact that you had to explain it to me means either I've gotten slow in my old age or the narrative still made no sense. For me, it just seemed more important than it ultimately was.

I must be completely off, because, for me, it was the single worst episode of Doctor Who I have ever seen. That's not to say Capaldi wasn't predictably brilliant, but we were a half an hour in, and I asked my wife if there was an actual narrative yet. She turned to me, said "no". This episode had no story. There

I agree. I absolutely hate "Gone With The Wind", plus Vivien Leigh? She's actually a terrible actress.

I don't know what it is, but J.J. Abrams always comes across as a complete douche.

How does this movie get a theatrical release? I mean, Jobs was an innovative programmer who re-packaged PC technology into a more pleasing shape, but seriously this narrative belongs in a Lifetime movie. Also, why the R-rating? Does he say the other "c" word or something?

I guess all of this is fairly subjective in experience, but I've lived some 43 years without ever owning a car or needing a driver's license. I just can't bring myself to add more useless expenses to my existence - gas, car payments, insurance. My wife had a license a long time ago, but she let it expire when she

That would be the version with all the torture in it!

Yes, but what about the fact that most (if not all) gun-related crimes are committed with unlicensed, illegally-purchased firearms? The only way to lower gun violence is to remove all guns from the face of the planet, and you know what would happen if that were to occur - Kang and Kodos would be here in a heartbeat!

You're missing the point entirely if you think the primary target of this episode's satire is Scientology.

Claiming your musical career is dead because of a lawsuit is ridiculous. Truly talented people will figure out how to continue to be creative regardless of any barrier.

Yes, I didn't get it either, everybody's gasping for air, but we have fresh water and verdant forest all around. If they were running out of oxygen, the lake would evaporate and the tees and grass would go brown!

I'm ashamed to admit but this finale was much, much better than the "Lost" finale. I was telling myself, "they're in purgatory" or "it was all a dream" over and over again.