Tiny Danson Man

I enjoy how posting on the AV Club these days as a white male with an opinion requires the prerequisite "I am not an MRA crackpot" addendum. I had no idea who or what an MRA was until I saw repeated mentions of that acronym here on this site.

Hey, come on man. This reads like anyone who disagrees with the groupthink on this site is some sort of unregistered troll. Some of us just like to think for ourselves.

Real question, do you identify as a liberal? Do you support the concept of freedom of speech? The groupthink on this board is strong.*

Yes. This didn't really happen. Continue to live in your world of illusion.

I don't affiliate myself whatsoever with whomever these MRA people are, but if you don't see what's wrong with someone falsely accusing another human being of rape, then I would argue that you are indeed fucked in the head.

Ever wonder why half the threads on this site wind up as anti-MRA screed? I never even knew who those fuckers were, nor would have, were it not for the AV Club.

Your rational and well thought-out reaction has no place on the internets, sir.

You people are drinking the Kool Aid man, Jesus Christ. Give the guy a break. You might not like his music, but fuck if I ever want to have to deal with that shit.

Just listened to Boom! Clap! (feel silly typing it like that but whatevs) on your recommendation. My initial impression was this is shite until she got to the chorus. Great hook on that song.

How's that censored internet treating you?

Of course— she's got her TV eye on us.

Oh she's real all right. I'm pretty sure I saw her write that on the chalkboard in her video.

Canada gave the world a ton of great music. You have nothing to apologize for, sir.

It's a song about a guy asking his girlfriend's father for her hand in marriage; a story that is likely as old as time itself. You must be one of those Tumblr feminists I've heard so much about.

We get it, you like a song nobody here has heard of and therefore look down your nose at the rest of us pleebs. Congratulations on proving once again that everybody in the world is justified in their hatred of hipsters.

Didn't mean "great post" sarcastically, by the way. I liked what you had to say. I too enjoy me some Ace of Base, probably more than any sentient individual should.

Great post. My only gripe if I have one is that you should have maybe put "think piece" in quotes. I would guess most thinking individuals have more on their minds right now than what the song of the summer is, given the state of world affairs.

I see it as one of those wag the dog type scenarios, where the media says things over and over until some form of traction is attained. Witness how Blurred Lines went from "song of the summer" to "date rape anthem" once certain so-called liberal-leaning websites decided to make that a thing.

I'd argue it's the media's need to classify everything these days, not ours per se. Most of the folks I know in the meatworld are blissfully unaware of this particular phenomena.