Tiny Danson Man

They were absolutely HUGE for one album (Sixteen Stone) and then fell the fuck off so rapidly heads spun. One of the most catastrophic collapses of a major band I can remember witnessing.

I'm not a massive 311 fan, but your last statement is untrue. They've toured with just about every major band out there, and you'll never hear a bad word about them from the actual musicians themselves. Basically their musicianship is tight enough to garner the respect of their peers. As for the critics, I think David

I went to the first one at the old Rosemont Horizon parking lot as a whippersnapper, but don't remember too much about it other than watching L7 and Quicksand, and being told that Sublime couldn't make it because "their tour bus broke down". Pretty sad in retrospect.

I actually thought Grandma's Boy was hilarious, but I tend to go against popular opinion as to what I find funny. For instance I watched 22 Jump Street last night and found it incoherent and sorely lacking in humor, so I wasn't really surprised to find out afterwards that the internet seemed to love it.

My son is also named 'Blart'.

In the show they're living at the Spiral Staircase in Topanga though, not Spahn Ranch. I can't remember which month they settled down there, but Manson + fam certainly had already been to L.A. and he had recorded at Universal by November of '67.

Perhaps it's ironic then that they named themselves after a Byrds song from 1971.

It was a terrible ending. Even if you overlook the fact Tommy's age didn't add up, it was way too predictable. People were guessing this is how it would end from early in the season.

>>Well played, Boardwalk Empire. They reaally wanted us to forget about Tommy Darmody this season didn't they?<<

Somebody bring in the CEO of Tits to settle this once and for all.

It was not only too obvious, but the age does not add up. It was an absolutely horrible finale for an otherwise great show.

I'd rate this more like an F-. It was just an utter, complete disappointment. People on this site have been calling out for weeks that the kid Mickey picked up at the trash can fire was Tommy Darmody; and they were then realistically shut down by others who were following the show more closely saying that Tommy would

Well whatever that joke was he referenced in that last paragraph it wasn't funny and clearly missed the mark. Not to mention that whatever stringers they have doing music news on this site were likely found on the streets of Milwaukee or Madison begging for weed money, or else must be some asshole in power's kid

They've got the harmonies down, I will say that. That lonesome canyon sound beckons.

Pretty sure Nick Hexum loves dogs.

And yet, again, stupid Tumblr feminists exist everywhere, but AV Club turns a blind eye. Remind me again how it's this guy's fault he was falsely accused of rape?

Counterargument being, liberals who still believe in free speech and just don't buy what you're selling might try to speak their minds. But that's fine; feel free to just throw the old "MRA troll" © grenade our way and we'll vanish, eventually.

I'd argue it's idiocy of the highest order and akin to McCarthyism. Don't agree with that person? Hell, just label them and MRA and watch the scorn pile up. Has anyone actually broached the subject of this post that the Bright Eyes guy was falsely accused of rape? I'm guessing the posters here arguing all this MRA

Good job. Your response had absolutely nothing to do with the post you ostensibly responded to.