Tiny Danson Man

Your gym is a wormhole to 2012?

The fact that you say you're not ashamed is a pretty obvious tell that you indeed are, Meth Lab. No worries though, I have my share of guilty pleasures that would get me laughed out of this place within nanoseconds of posting.

I can't stand anything Sheryl Crow put out that made it onto the radio (which is all I've heard from her), but as a supposed industry veteran she seemed well aware of the old "don't bore us, get to the chorus" maxim.

Something something "rape culture".

Well that video certainly cleared up the hazy anti-Illuminati agenda for me.

"I'm a Man" by the Spencer Davis Group, featuring a young Steve Winwood.

So is his eye permanently gone? I thought it was just, like, grazed or something, but the patch seems to still be in effect, at least for the time being.

Weiner must find some way to work in Danielle Fishel, maybe as Gisberg's love interest/ foil?

So actress Megan Draper is separated from her husband and ensconced up in Laurel Canyon. How long until she wakes up to find her furniture re-arranged?

Oh no, not traditional pop song structures. Run away!!

Pete Bretter!

Here's the story of a guy named Charlie/ who was living with some very freaky girls…

No mention of ?uestlove in the NBA 2K games? First one that came to mind for me.

As a bonus, extra credit points are awarded to any student who can accurately determine why the mainstream media continues to collectively fawn over such an unexceptional talent.

I don't get what you mean. They have about an equal scruff factor to Weezer and mine roughly the same humor as the Aquabats, so it seems like NH should be a natural fit for this list. I'm gonna choke it up to a rare AV Club oversight.

How the hell does Nerf Herder not make the cut here? Sweater songs don't get no better than this, by gum.

I was going to say Airheads as well. That movie was constantly on back in the day.

I for one don't take anything seriously unless written in Impact font.

And as a fan of hip-hop I resent Drake.

I just think that entire arc went beyond the pale no matter what the explanation. Lovely episode otherwise, though.