Tiny Danson Man

Stray observation, but was I the only one who thought for a minute that we might see a potential Jessica/ Wade hook-up during their walk back? That would've been a more interesting twist than the sadly predictable ending the show decided to go with.

Yeah, I guess as opposed to most people I was looking at the TV begging Stewart not to blow his opportunity with Kimberly just to run home to be with Jessica. But then, at the risk of many downvotes, I seem to be enjoying this show for all the wrong reasons if the commentariat here is any indication. I find awkward/

I'm still mostly baffled by that reveal. Are we to assume that Uncle Junior hired Roy to bust Gillian? How would he have known that she killed not-Jimmy, or that she'd reveal it under duress?

There is this sort of mindset amongst certain types of fandom that musicians should be commended for their political ideologies as opposed to, you know, writing good songs and stuff.

I don't think any notable group ever wrote a song like either of the ones you just mentioned.

It's spelled Gruntruck. More than a little embarrassed that I know this.

>>The only thing I can think of that links all the bands most people categorize as grunge is that they all focused on playing their instruments.<<

Thanks. I wasn't sure how old Daughter was supposed to have been when that transpired.

Where do you get that he's a possible child molester?

>>Why don't they walk in and finish the job before anyone has a chance to get up.<<

Wasn't she already at dinner with Peter when Roger's friend ID-ed her, though? Or am I misremembering?

Are you there, Jah?  It's me, Ras Trent!

Keeping my fingers crossed…
…that this new album kicks ass, so that most of you people will finally shut the fuck up.

Blink-182 specialized in crafting fun, catchy pop songs, which for the sexless, Animal Collective-loving nerds of the AV Club is apparently some sort of cardinal sin.

>>Keith Murray is the Pras of Def Squad. Which is kind of embarrassing, when it comes down it. <<

Or how about why do we have to suffer through all that shitty r'n'b bullshit to get to a couple decent rock or rap tracks?

Why don't you two have butt sex and get it over with.

I had no idea there was such thing as a Michael Cera fanboy.

Their self-titled album from 2004 was one of the best rock albums I've heard in my life. A criminally underrated band.

Agreed! Sad to say I've enjoyed most of these shows.