Roger Sterlings Lucky Strikes

I had the same issue. I thought it was my TV sound, ha ha.

My only disappointment was that there was no moment between James and Bobby during the lockup scene considering their long history. You would think they would have something to say to each other.

1. Party Down - No matter how much I try to explain how funny and awesome this show is, I have never successfully turned anyone on to it. It just sounds lame when I explain it, even to me.

Many games claim to be funny and clever, but West of Loathing delivers the goods! I'm glad to see you covering it here. It's a joy to play.

I've been listening to Here Come the Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain. I have to pick up a copy of (No Pussyfooting). I love the cover of that record.

I love All the Surveyors! Should have buried you in the desert!

I just got turned on to Thee Oh Sees, or Oh Sees, or whatever they are calling themselves. Strange stuff! Also, that Shellac track is insane. Shellac is a band that likes to test the listeners patience. Also, random music by Man…or Astroman, and Eno's Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain.

Hate Forest, lol. So evil!

Is there a chance the track will bend?

If I had to pick a worst song on that album, it would be Welcome to the Machine. It sounds out of place.

Not Now John (34) is ranked higher than fucking Time (36), not to mention that Time is racked 36.

I've tried to watch this clip twice and each time, as soon as she starts talking I have to turn it off.

Fat SYNTHS! It might be worth it for the soundtrack!

You can't make this sh*t up!

And it's kind of amazing when someone can warm the cold hearts of the AVClub.

You can tell how much he loves those characters by the way he handles them in the film. I was surprised by how character-driven he made the story. Almost every character had a story and an arc without it feeling bloated.

I've never seen any of these movies, but I have to admit that it's fun to watch the trailers and try to figure out what the f**k is going on.

After having to suffer through the dour Rogue One and blah of Fantastic Beasts, it was nice to watch a fun, low-stakes episode of Doctor Who.

I will not see this "human-washing" movie.

How dare you, sir!