Roger Sterlings Lucky Strikes

When is the Stardew Valley adaptation coming?

Once again, it seems like Netflix is daring me to cancel

I don't own these and I've already lost them.

I hate myself for using that word, but it's early in the morning and I'm tired.

I've been a fan of Kevin Smith for a long time and am not a hater like most people at this site seem to be. He seems like an affable dude and I can never quite grasp why he is so hated at the AVClub. That said, even I could not get though the first 5 minutes of Yoga Hosers. I doubt that I am the target audience, but

I think it did just fine for a character that most causal movie goers never heard of.

I imagine a group of executives at DC sitting in a smoky room, watching this trailer over and over and trying to figure out how to make their movies look fun.

Carl Palmer is playing a small theater near me in May. I wasn't planning on going, but hell, now I'm reconsidering.

I read a story that Lake and Pete Sinfield researched that song by going to Disney to ride The Pirates of the Caribbean. God, I hope that's a true story.

Hopefully the member berry gag will live on in pop culture.

Nothing gets me to the movie quicker than an action movie with a generic title.

That's exactly what I meant. It sound like they are having some fun and not trying so hard.

Incidentally, Paul Reiser has one of the worst lines ever in Aliens. When the aircraft that is supposed to rescue them crashes, he recommends that they "build a campfire and sing songs."

Paul Reiser was such a shit in Aliens. Good casting.

I saw this on my FB feed last week. Maybe it's time to reevaluate the Great Job, Internet! column…

Kathy Bates=National Treasure

Or even better Sandman Mystery Science Theater 3000.

So ya, thought ya, might like to, go to the show!

She is just the best!

"So far, this season of AHS seems to be breaking the tiresome tradition of killing off characters, then bringing them back in undead form."