Roger Sterlings Lucky Strikes

She did, but who the hell knows what it means, ha ha!

I agree. I didn't sense anything menacing, but it's Twin Peaks, so I can see that some people will project unease on every scene.

My biggest fear is that they will just dump the series out with few extras and we will have to wait for a loaded edition.

It's turning gold. Maybe it will figure into Jacoby's gold shovel storyline.

Whose job is it to mop up the drunk's drool? Chad?

No idea. I'm assuming a few months after it's aired. I hope they do a special addition with lots of bonuses.

Well, the show is called TWIN Peaks.

Pete and Katherine! I was hoping for some tribute to Pete since Nance passed away and was close to Lynch.

It's probably one of the few, maybe only, shows that I literally have no idea what will happen next from scene to scene.

Random thought, has there been any speculation about Maddy being Laura's doppelganger?

There is speculation that he killed Becky. He dialogue suggests that he killed someone and then you see the bullet hole in the trailer window.

No doubt. I have to admit that the crappy effect was quickly forgotten when I realized it was Chantel in the business suit!

I'm sure that Jacoby's real-life counterpart Alex Jones has something to sell you.

It was a touching tribute to one of the most unique characters in TV history; a woman who talks to a log and is actually taken seriously by the show's characters. This is what makes TP amazing.

Unless we don't see him at all next week, which is possible!

Yeah, but it still would have been fun. Another thought that crossed my mind was that maybe James has been no stranger to being thrown in jail over the years.

No matter how TP resolves, I'm certain that people will be dissecting every frame of this show for years to come. I can't wait to rewatch it on Blu-Ray and dig into the details. The slow pace was jarring at first, but it's clear that Lynch truly made an 18 hour movie.

You can tell that the GOT writers don't know what to do at this point. They are digging deep into the Big Bag of Fantasy Tropes and Cliches.

Sometimes a shitty effect is just a shitty effect.

Game of Thrones set itself apart from the fantasy novel crowd by introducing complex villains. It's a shame that the ultimate baddie, the Night King, is so boring.