
For a while there Dax was shagging Captain What's-His-Face who had the transparent skull.

That was definitely one of the better TNG episodes.

And he probably works for less money than Colin Farrell.

Actually, I always thought that Chekov was a pretty good screamer.

I wonder if Sisko is still with the Prophets.

It IS pronounced "KAHL-um."  The Celtic languages have interesting grammatical rules that also apply to names.  I've seen/heard a number of Irish words that, when spoken, sound as if they have more syllables than what you see when they are written out.  And vice versa.

That was a pretty explicit shag, for its day.

What I don't get is how playing a city cop with a "dark nature" is so different from playing a Navy cop with a "bad attitude."  Is it really that much of a stretch?

So Tara really DOES have the original letters?  Where'd she hide them?  And if she really does believe that they would be too painful for Jax to read, why didn't she destroy them herself - the originals, I mean?

Agreed.  The word "railroad" comes to mind, doesn't it?  Sometimes the pressure to find the "bad guy" is so great, the law can and will become very creative when assigning blame.

British.  It figures.

I thought it was "bajingo."

You're right; I'd forgotten about the brain biopsy.  He IS perfect for Dean of Medicine!

He completed his one-year internship and two-year residency in neurology before joining House's team as a Fellow in Diagnostic Medicine (however, most Fellowships only last one year).  That would put him in his mid- to late-30's at this point in time.  Cuddy was allegedly around that age when she became Dean, so in

I LIKE her.  She had the best lines in the episode, especially that one where she said (something along the lines of): "Next time I'll just crash my car into his living room."  She doesn't pull her punches.

And remember, the other two people in that house were under stress; hence, all three had elevated heart rates.

I loved PC Andy coming to the rescue and doing a Dirty Harry on the bad guy!

The parasite on tonight's episode looked a little like the Goa-uld mama that made litters of little Goa-uld's in that SG1 episode, didn't it?

Boldly go…
Now we're getting somewhere. We finally got a writer who actually understands what this show is supposed to be about. And we got to see the Jack Harkness that's been missing all these weeks.

I would be more impressed with your post if it weren't for the fact that, in his last diary publication, Adrian Mole was undergoing treatment for prostate cancer which was failing. So tuck your tits back into your Wonderbra and bugger off.