
Enjoyed your review, Zach, as always.

Wendy's return, while inauspicious, is interesting in that she is now more than capable of standing up to Gemma (and Jax, for that matter) as a sober woman; in fact, Gemma's threats seemed ineffectual in comparison, possibly because she not only looked beaten, she looked like she FELT beaten.  Interesting change in

Its just too bad that he totally doesn't "get" women, and often can't seem to stop himself from making some pretty dipshit remarks (or "tweets") about us.  And please don't tell me that it's because he's gay.  It is because he tends to speak before he thinks (which means that he should be blogging on to the AV  Club),

Now that's a typical upper middle-class remark.  I wouldn't comment on subjects when you have little or, in this case, no information on which to base an opinion.  Plus it pisses me off when someone disses my teenage angst.

Did you forget to take your Prozac this morning, Pop?

That's okay, Two-Fucks.  We all know that you really don't give a shit about RSL or how much screen time he scores.  Other than the Big Bucks he pulls down and the fact that I'm always on the look-out for a new Sugar Daddy, I can't work up any convincing interest, either.

Dr. Pretty Doctor ran away because she had nice parents?  What a twat.  Let her spend 10 minutes with MY mother, if she wants to experience REAL pain.

Go watch the interview he did with Bob Costas and tell me that man is NOT a clown.

Or Jerry Sandusky.

Sure, and how much does he get paid?  A couple hundred grand a week for one day's work?  Suuu-weeeet!

Ah, Mr. Bean and the Barium Enema.  I'd watch that show.

I'll alert Alan Shore.

Yup, I'm also wondering how many episodes will go by before Hank starts to get suspicious.

One of the show's better efforts, most of which seem to focus on Kurt.  In any event, it was nice to see them all grow up a little bit.  I was also pleasantly surprised at Santana's showmanship; she doesn't have Rachel's voice or range, but she really knows how to sell a song, doesn't she?

I was impressed with him in Hell on Wheels.  He's turning into a pretty decent actor.

Sadly this show has a habit of killing off its most interesting characters, Kutner being another example, along with CTB.

You forgot to mention the totally awesome 30-foot intestinal worm.

You make a good point.  However, the only plausible medical mystery these days is whether or not you're going to be able to keep your food down whilst dealing with all of that drama.

He asked you not to do that.  Tsk.

Heart attack!