
We don't get Strike Back here. At least, I don't get it where I live. Is it on BBCA?

I agree, A.A. Captain Jack seems to be kind of adrift here. What made him so appealing in the past is that he seemed to have a bead on much of what was going on: space rifts, Weevils, time-travelers, and, as you noted, the other-worldly cool doo-dads. This time out he's just being helplessly swept along with

Actually, I've always thought that Black Ghostbuster had kind of a sexy voice.

Lame joke, but legitimate question
Other than Bilbo Baggins, who'se short enough to partner up with Snooki? Maybe Danny DeVito? If they pair her up with anyone else, she's gonna be eyeball-to-ball/ball when they tango.

At least he's a righteous wop and not another Irishman just trying to be cool.

Because RTD believes that if everyone can't be gay, they can at least be British.

Could be that Rex was "coughing and gagging" over his dialogue(?).

Except for the random and irrelevant nudity (which is always amusing) Camelot was a snoozefest. However, Eva Green makes an awesome Bad Girl.

Its wrong I may be, 'though I have me doubts, but methinks yer a douchebag, matey, and a hyperbolic one, to be sure.

Or maybe "Tommy" just remembered he had a pair of testicles. I'm a woman and I'm all for using and abusing a man for his own good. But, jeepers creepers, even I've been embarrassed for him watching him take it from his womenfolk. Especially those two mouthy older daughters, each of whom should've been gagged at the

Holy Crap!
Maybe its because I've been watching Rescue Me and reruns of SOA, but I almost missed it: "asshole" and "shit" on the USA Network. And the language was appropriate to the situation, I might add. If this is a new trend, I can't wait to hear what Shawn and Gus have to say this fall.

Because Category One people are too sick/injured to be useful and they won't die; therefore, they are a drain on resources.

esophagus: Thanks for the quote; however, originally (and I've never watched Doctor Who) Torchwood was created to deal with time/space rifts and the things and people that fell through them, the worst of which intersected with Earth at Cardiff. A much as I'm enjoying this season, I can't help but wonder if TPTB are

Later, in the wee hours of that same morning…

@grinninfoole: I love this show, cheesiness and all. However, Danes speech at the end WAS pretty lame and I don't believe for a second that he really wants to die. His ego and narcissism are being almost constantly fed which totally sublimates any guilt he may suffer. He's going to be a rich man, a rich FREE man.

That IS a little disappointing, the lack of aliens, that is. The government and/or Big Business is always the bad guy. But this is supposed to be Sci Fi, for crying out loud. At the very least, they could throw in a weevil or two.

@Nate 'n' Skeener: WTF are you two TALKING about?

Thank you, Mr. Goat. I was beginning to feel neglected. Seven minutes before someone wished cancerAIDS on me. Sniff.

I haven't see it yet; it doesn't come on for another two hours! But I'm first!!

Vick: Thank you for your feedback, but I'm afraid you missed my point. Denis Leary writes for "characters," and damaged characters at that. Actually, I think a lot of the dialogue on this show is pretty accurate; certainly the often volatile behavior of Shiela, Tommy and some of the guys is honest. Most people are