
Would someone please explain to me the eff-ing difference between Sci Fi and SyFy? Is it just ownership? Did the owner of the Sci Fi channel sell out to a moron who can't spell? Anybody got a clue? Thanks…

I'm sick and tired of Tamlin Tomita and Ming-Na always playing the bad bitches. I guess it sux to be Asian in SyFy-land.

Denis Leary
Say what you want about the "decline" of Rescue Me; however, Denis Leary does have a voice and he uses it well.

Who writes this shit?
I sorta like this show. But was I the only one who, after Annie and the Dashing Dago beat the bad guy into the pavement on the wharf, was screaming:

Yee Yee, go to your room. Its past your bedtime.

What about Thomas?
This may be a dumb question, but is the dog still alive? Was he really walking around with a towel on him or was he a ghost that Marlene allowed both Kathy and her husband to see? Or was Marlene just dicking around with the husband, making him think the dog was dead?

When was Thomas Jane in Boogie Nights? Did he play Marky-Mark's dick and I missed it?

What's a little snooping between friends?
I loved the very end, where Owen and Melissa are eavesdropping on Terry and Erin's little "commitment talk." Melissa is swooning over the "romance" of it all and Owen is in full-on "oh, shit; here we go again" mode. Very funny.

That whole "I gotta pee real bad" scene was a little over the top. Why didn't she "go" before she left wherever it was that SHE was before she got into the car?

How Very "House"
I dunno, Uncle Phil. This is the third year in a row that Jackie "almost" got busted for her drug use in the season finale, but somehow she gets away with it yet again. Even though her friend Dr. O'Hara said she would help Jackie "taper off" (which in itself is not the correct way of going about it

Scott Bakula is cool simply by his Star Trek association. Be nice.

If you haven't seen this already, you need to watch: "House Season 7; The Morning After":

"Tonight's House Call"
An interesting addition, the "House Call."

I haven't watched this episode yet; however, I've been to a number of sites dedicated to this show and, let me tell you people, women are PISSED. There are several survivors of domestic violence (and those attempting to survive) that watch this show, and to see their "hero" batter and then try to murder his

I enjoyed the bar scene. Its been a while since we've seen House (rightfully) get his ass kicked. Reminds me of the good old days. *Sigh*

Anything to do with "blogcritics" makes me break out in a rash.

Yes, she deserves the Emmy, and, yes, you are being a cunt.

One last point of interest…
Chase, that Schnauzer, can "smell" vaginal bleeding. Awesome!

It boggles the mind
Spanish Fly poisoning? Really? Engorged female genitalia? WTF? Exactly HOW ENGORGED were her genitals? And since when would even a HORNY neurologist notice such a phenomenon?

None worth discussing
This show is starting to remind me of toilet paper that sticks to your backside and, no matter how much or how hard you wipe, you just can't get it unstuck.