
Canadians are split on the issue, actually.

"Melanoma" sounds pretty, too, and is just as fatal.

Yes, it IS an amusing way to pass an evening, isn't it?

Ferris Bueller should've been mentioned last week, or whenever that episode aired where the patient yakked up a lung.

No, Lisa Edelstein wants her tits and ass put on the Fox payroll, because she feels they are equally deserving. Go back and read some of her interviews from earlier this season. They're embarrassing for women everywhere.

Which begs the question: Why are we suddenly getting yet another 3-week hiatus from all of Fox's shows? What's the deal; anyone know?

She is lovely, isn't she? And she Polish, by the way.

Heck yeah, House M.D. can get sued and probably lose that lawsuit as well. The problem with our system of justice is that there is no "dipshit provision" when it comes to lawsuits. Case in point: Spill some McDonald's coffee into your lap and see how rich you become. Then you can take us ALL out to dinner.

Lazy Log: It's a lazy generation coming up behind us. Sigh.

Actually, Pam, according to next week's TV Guide, the Fangirls spent last Tuesday writing an avalanche of tear- and snot-stained hate mail to Short, Yaitanes, Jacobs, et. al.

"Shipping, " short for "relationship" advocates. "Huddy Shippers" are those who promote the House/Cuddy romance. You get the idea.

Regarding your 1st "Really?": Yup. It appears so.

Because your lips look sexy when you says words with double-o in them, you silly goose.

I'd like to believe that, I really would. However, you're forgetting about David Shore's addiction: The Huddy Fangirls. They are HIS major source of dopamine and very probably blow jobs as well.

Fox doesn't wanna let it go, but they don't wanna PAY for it either. They like Universal footin' all the bills, and Universal is sick and tired of paying for unscented soap.

Oh, I don't know. I think "Fucking-A, I'm still alive!" is pretty joyful and doesn't necessarily have to hide anything.

And let's not forget Kutner. There's no reason why House can't hallucinate him back into existence now that Kal Penn is no longer Obama's Bitch.

Yeah, De, that was the ending. What else is there after a 7 story leap into a swimming pool? Beer, babes and bouncing up and down, while your stick-up-his-ass BFF stomps off in a huff. Good times!

I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that, when this much-touted "wedding" actually takes place, somehow the Hooker will get benched and Cuddy will sub in.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… but this is ridiculous!
When is this show gonna stop ripping off other shows? "I'll always choose you…" Eliot Reed said that to her dolphin-hugging boyfriend on Scrubs in S3. "House, the Musical"? Fucking-A. I called this one months ago!! Chicago Hope did a "musical"