
Nit Pick
And, by the by, its "McLeod" Syndrome.

First Poster
An honest-to-God "not bad" episode of House for a change. What a bonus.

Keerist, Derdriui; B. Barnett and her Merry Band of Fan Girls absolutely cream over anything and everything that is "House, " especially "Huddy." I've noticed that you've blogged on to Barnett's site, criticized House and gotten your ass kicked by that bunch of bedazzled bubble-gummers who are clearly up waaaay past

Playing a cunt is easy, for a woman, anyway, and apparently for Hugh Laurie.

We also got treated to some major Cuddy zits. Eeewww…

Molly - Well said. I like that line, "He'll be buying a mini-van before the season is over." Very funny.

2-pence 'pinion
Tonight's installment sucked harder than Miley Cyrus at a bong party.

Actually, I awoke face-UP. My "date" was kind enough to flip me over when he finished.

Interesting terminology, Java, Old Son. Most tranqs (Ruffies, GHB and chlorohydrate, the latter of which House probably used) will give you epic diarrhea. Perhaps the writers used the scene as a metaphor to expel their sluggish literary bowels. Good catch!

Does any one else have a problem with
House, and other characters at various times, drugging each other randomly and with impunity?

I couldn't agree more. This episode WAS all over the place. I really hate how women are depicted in this show anymore. Cuddy holding a grudge for two weeks over being lied to by a man who has done nothing but lie to her for years, and, as it turns out, his apology to her was a lie as well. At least THAT one I saw

Sorry - I meant "Myles."

Inserting your tongue into a woman's ass IS the ultimate form of respect.

Biker Babes Rock!
The boys spent weeks dickin' around, trading favors, kicking ass and wasting bad guys, and still couldn't get anyone to tell them where Abel was. Big, Bad Gemma comes along and gets the intel in 20 seconds. Tara, the Doc, knows right where to stroke the Latina bitch in the throat to put her down.

Which is why all we ladies want to fuck him. Haven't you been paying attention?

Once again, we got our medical info from a fortune cookie. You "shock" an arhythmia, not a cardiac arrest; for that you need drugs and CPR. House makes this mistake more than any other "TV medical drama" on the air. Also, they never, ever place the electrodes properly on the patient; most of the time they're

Pass me the Kleenix
I really didn't want to get into this show. When it first came out there were so many new shows coming on that I didn't know if I'd have time to watch them all. However. I'm really glad I did. I've always like Laura Linney and she doesn't disappoint here; she'll easily score an Emmy nomination.

@Sajanas: You make an interesting point; I hadn't considered that. Another Catholic soul does, indeed, swell the church coffers. Perhaps the Good Father's motives really aren't all together altruistic. Hmm…

Bite me, you acrimonious asswipe. I don't know WHY No Life wants to fuck you.

Jax can penetrate me!! I'll strip off for the censors, as long as the camera doesn't get any close-ups of my dimpled ass.