Acts of Janice

Watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here.

Coppola points out a lot of the mistakes in The Godfather. Now I can't stop seeing them, but like to watch them happen:
- Coppola's aunt accidentally walks into the background inside the house during the wedding, realizes it then runs out.
- You can see Coppola and a crew member reflected in the car window when Paulie

@avclub-04aaf6bb57192f12fc4b7f218044a584:disqus , oh for real. Nothing gets me yelling at the radio more than some dumbass who can't get the Limerick.

"Splendid Table, the show for people who like to eat."

In order to choose the right Bluff the Listener story:
- Is the story way less funny than the other two?
- Does it take place in Germany?
If so, that is the correct one.

Now that I know what Jad looks like, I would most likely bang him then slap him. Or the other way around.

Radiolab is a good show, everything an NPR fan could ask for. But Jad needs to cool it with the sound effects. Often I'm getting into the subject, but then I hear one of those noises stuck in and it's jarring. I get it, Jad, you're trying to enhance the story, but it's very twee. Krulwich is all you need, man.

"How about one thousand 'Living In Americas'?"

Five bucks says this show will cram in every 80's reference possible with no regard to what year it came about, which really drives me crazy.
We will be treated to characters wearing Frankie Says shirts paired with Flashdance leggings and day-glo whatever, talking about how Run DMC has a duet with Aerosmith.And I'm

Someone got mad at me when I offhandedly said I would use a time machine to keep John Lennon from meeting Yoko Ono.
"Why wouldn't you use it to kill Hitler?!" he yelled, as if I actually had said time machine.

I was at a five-star hotel for a conference a few months ago, and I couldn't keep the staff out of my room without a fucking bazooka. 
There I was on my balcony, taking a break from the conference action, when a housekeeper walked in. (I always have the "Do not disturb" sign on the door to avoid this shit. No moleste,

Tonight on Frontline: Poor Kids. Werner Herzog narrates.

Jumping Jesus, Hollywood, stop giving this puffy-faced punk heavy-hitting history movies. Wilson was the only president with a PhD, so DiCaprio will try to communicate that with his extra-squinty consipation-face.

But punches up a double-V for victory just before it exits.

Man, that just reminded me how much toys suck today. That spinning-helicopter thing took up the whole living room!

What the hell has happened to Toys R Us? The ones where I live look like they gave up on several things about ten years ago: interesting toys, anything not a videogame and cleaning the place.

It was called the Inchworm. Fun to ride, but you don't get very far (insert "Your Mom" joke here).

Curse their Yankee candy.

You are right about Cookie Monster. Check this npr story that describes him as "a deeply sensuous character who speaks to our most basic appetites and desires."

Aw, he's not dressed as Loki. Disappointed.