Acts of Janice

I hate the "busy" excuse, but it's better than hearing what it really means: not interested. 
A friend got an email from someone they were interested in once that just said, "busy, busy, busy". It's like fuck, you don't have to tell 'em THREE times!

Your friend totally should have mentioned the frame of ages. I have a beautiful four-post frame that has been in my family for generations. That bed could have a Cloud Atlas thing going.

Too many people forget to utilize the all-important "S" in the D.E.N.N.I.S method: SEPARATE ENTIRELY.

What really bugs me were the liberties the script took with Allen's life to make it "more interesting".
IRL Allen had one son (who actually had an interesting life). But hey, give him two sons, and make sure one is a Black Panther because civil rights! And only one person has the gravitas to play Allen's wife and

You think you're out of it, El D? I was watching Face The Nation on my DVR.
Mmmm, Bob Schieffer waxing nostalgic about the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights March…yeah, buddy.

I still love Phish, but I am done going out-of-state or to any great distance to see a show. I swear it became a goddamn competition to see who can travel the furthest and see them the most. 
It just seems like the hard-core "phans" (I do NOT like using that moniker, so that will be the one time) look down on us

The band just kicking back and bullshitting is fun to watch. The guys at the time actually enjoyed each others' company, which is refreshing after seeing band docs where the members can't stand each other (Last Waltz and Let It Be).
"Page has a new shirt/It's so nice…He's rolling up the sleeves…"

My mind, Heche. Bowie put his fingers all over my miiiiind!

Just have to mention that I have the Bowie calendar from 1984, and the pic above is July Bowie. Kept that one up for two months. Fucking gorgeous.

Glass Spider was the first time I saw Bowie live. I was too young when Serious Moonlight came about, although I played my Beta tape of that concert to pieces.
So yeah, I had to take what I could get. The Sound + Vision tour was awesome, though.

Do what?

Heh, it's like the drug version of Peter Griffin discovering he has a sexy voice when he has a cold. Oooh, I need more cocaine to do my sexy voice!

That album rocks the fuck out, even to this day.

That ad was played so much that to this day, when I hear Walk On The Wild Side, I mutter "Hey, don't settle for walkin'" when the sax part starts. Gaahhhh!

That was about the time he was going on tv to promote said album. He would walk up to some person in the audience, take his shirt off, and sing mournfully. I love Bowie to the end of time, but that was damn awkward.

And when you realize the chorus of Move On is All The Young Dudes played backwards…Mind Blown!

A late friend who was a reporter in Miami back then.

Add to that The Mail Nurse, when the nurse hat slides onto his face.

I testify to the enduring wonder that is Mankini and gaffer-of-ages Tom McNamara.

@avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus , I judge photos of people with a kid the same way I do on Facebook profile pictures; get ready for all conversations to be about said kid.