
I love her stuff, but her blowjob xray drawing is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.

This article makes me want to revisit it, because I remember laughing really hard.

I rewatched this about eight years ago. I remember finding the first half oddly entertaining, but the second half not so much.

I just went to the forums after reading this and the first ten or so comments are people bitching about it without listening to the show beforehand. Fuckers.

From the first time he CREEPIES, I knew it would happen a million more times. I never got tired of it.

Hot Hips is the most embarrassing song recorded by Lou Reed for a multitude of reasons.

Even if you know a comment is probably a joke, you're setting yourself up with an opening like that. I just happened to be the first to pounce. #@sarCCastroisdumb

It's sad yes. But a CBB fan who HAS NOT HEARD OF IBRAIN?!? Way more horrific.

No, he's behind the Will Ferrell movies people like.

Yeah but the production values WERE a joke. Mr Show had bits like that too. The Streakers movie, for example.

I don't. It's capable of brilliance sometimes and other times it's lots of screaming.

I like season 2 and 6 better but we mostly think alike. Season 4 is close to classic but man there are a few episodes I just do not like.

The Simpsons didn't invent that gag.

I hope the wink indicates you're joking because this near exact comment is in just about every TVClub Sunny thread.

Downloading that now.

Can you imagine how annoying it must be for someone who just doesn't dig them? I think they're a pretty good band, and I've still been annoyed by overzealous Radiohead fans who can't understand why I think the Bends is just ok.

Kevin Spacey was not famous before 1995, dude.

@LemLemoncloak:disqus I don't think ANY of the characterizations are that consistent. Charlie can't read sometimes, and other times is smarter than everyone else.

Charlie is barely functional, Dennis is an egomaniac, Frank is a grotesque millionaire, Dee is the female scapegoat, Mac….. closeted karate?

13 words. Read my point.