
Also, I read the first trade of Wicdiv and it didn't wow me. Way too
many characters to keep track of (some of who didn't even show up), way
too obvious who they were supposed to be modeled on, way too hip for
it's own good. I might give it a shot again when it's complete but
following trade to trade or issue to issue

Lists like these always favor the newest hot series. There's no Saga or Sex Criminals either, both of which ranked near the top of the list in years past and haven't exactly nose dived.

I laughed a lot at this and it wasn't any more problematic in it's plotting than any other episode.

Kevin Dorff isn't some random dude. He's great. I also don't think he looks anything like Ian Roberts, who is on my shortlist of funniest people ever.

The Dan Harmon/Thomas Middleditch/Matt Jones was also delightful.

@tlo3794:disqus @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus

@norahemlock:disqus Top Shelf usually does an insane crazy yearly sale and you could probably pick up the mammoth Eddie omnibus and the From Hell companion for about $10 before shipping. And you should! And email me about it!

You're really throwing Alan Moore under the bus. He may have some controversial opinions but to say he has no common sense? When he gets political he advocates for women and minorities. Not the same thing Frank Miller does.

It's maybe skirting the line as sexist to be horrified that you are identified as a type beyond your gender/orientation, but I don't see how it's not understandable.

Patton did do a song with Trey about two years ago so you never know.

That said, the scene with the store owner is my least favorite thing this show ever did. Anyone who has worked at retail has dealt with horrible people… It's not hard to be half polite to someone who is being reasonably pleasant. To frame it as a generational gap just struck me as wrong.

I don't ever justify it, like this episode tried to do.

I try to do that. Sometimes I fail.

The two big generation conflicts Louie has are my least favorite parts of this season so far because I agree with Louie. I hate when I fiddle with my phone while I'm watching something; I want to stop doing it, not empathize with people who do.

The write up this week is the first time I have actually been interested in downloading 99% Invisible, granted, but it made me realize how many times I've seen that graphic. WTF and CBB don't get that amount of coverage!

Agreed so much. I did love the premium Bobby/PFT episode so much more than Time Bobby 2 and 3 just because it was Alan Thicke and not Sir ALW.

If the point of the new format is to not just review the same podcasts over and over and expose people to new ones then please stop featuring 99% Invisible every other podmass. If you're wondering, I checked. There have been 18 podmasses this year and ten of them have included it.

This is sure to get a lot of opposition… but I feel like Tina is the character who's stagnated the most. I love her when she's in the background being odd or pushing herself to new heights… but I did a binge of some season 3 and 4 episodes last week and I'm tired of her going "UH! UH! UH! UH! UH!" every other episode.

All the GBV fans I know agreed that Class Clown was REALLY strong.