
The Beast came out as gay during Grant Morrison's run, but Marvel seems to treat that as an alternate universe as well.

It's really hard to make a good mix cd of the New Pornographers to introduce someone to the band because the first half of Mass Romantic is practically like a side of a greatest hits album already.

Unguided is crazy overlong and I always have to listen to it again to remember how it even goes.

The sequencing is pretty shite. Green and Blues should have closed the album.

I'v probably posted something remarkably similar in these boards before: I dont understand how everyone into indie rock loves the Pixies up through Doolittle* and seems to think Frank Black Francis' songwriting jumped the shark immediately after. He's had a quite remarkable solo career.

I'm sure you didn't understand my reasoning because your reply shows no hint of actually comprehending anything I wrote above. I never said anything about self righteousness OR called anyone a bad person. I said: "I have two friends with actual gluten allergies and they've both told me stories about how this trend is

I have two friends with actual gluten allergies and they've both told me stories about how this trend is making it harder for them to actually avoid gluten.

If they're abandoning that idea this quickly in the season, it has me a little worried.

The vast majority of the episodes are written by the same two people working together and the dialogue is all improvised.

I much prefer the album version, not just because I heard it first, but the more insistent music really adds to the tension of the thing.

The fact that no comedy beat out a drama shouldn't come as a surprise. Any sort of awards or ranking system always favors dramas.

I never felt that this show quite gelled, but the ensemble cast was amazing. I was hoping it got picked up and the kinks ironed out.

I've been putting it off for over a year since the first two 'seasons' are pay only.

I had to stop watching Portlandia mid way through this last season. I still can't tell hardly any of the characters apart.

I haven't heard anything post Soft Bulletin that came close to any of their 90s albums.

I loved it more than the last format breaking episode, where nothing much seemed to happen.

It's a shame that Zach Woods and Ellie Kemper were added just before the Office started to go downhill. I actually have a lot of fond memories of those characters but can't think of many actual quality episodes they've been in.

I'd disagree with the statement about Daria's show. Almost every character started as a broad stereotype and slowly was fleshed out. I even started to feel for Quinn a few seasons in. I'd argue that Trent showed less depth than her by the end.

That's debatable. The original French publication was released in four volumes periodically (once a year, I believe).