
What are Pete and Mac designed to be in their respective groups? I know Sunny had that episode that named Mac 'the brain,' but they all have stupid schemes, so that's not really necessary.
In contrast, you could sum up every other main character in both shows in a few words.

Pete is my least favorite by far. Nothing against the actor. His character has the least to offer the group dynamic. I feel the same way with Always Sunny and Mac.

Anyone else keeping up with the Adventures of Danny and Mike? I wonder why they don't have the guests on the entire show. The energy level picks up considerably in the back half.

Just because it doesn't have an endgame is not a good reason to say that this show doesn't have the capability to be great. All indications show that the Breaking Bad finale was not fully worked out until the started the fifth season.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  Of course they are. They're also pretending that Kim Deal was the important part of the Pixies and that Pod never happened.

Anytime someone appears in a sketch with someone doing an impression of them it just de-fangs the whole bit.

Who Charted actually beat you to this.

I commented above similarly… but JESUS. In this wonderful age of comedic television, everyone is just listing dramas? There's hardly a list with more than one comedy on it.

Not a SINGLE comedy? Invalid list.

I checked out some of the bits that people responded well to on Hulu and haven't laughed once. Last week at least had Girls and E-Meth.

His cover of Duke of Earl is amazing and under appreciated.

Feldman and Santiago are Frank's musical soulmates.

I saw him live during the Honeycomb era and his singing was so much more inspired than the album versions. I think those records needed another vocal take.

Pixies, Frank Black, Frank Black and the Catholics, Black Francis, Grand Duchy, Paley and Francis… am I forgetting any?

Wilco and Ryan Adams were getting more produced while Frank stood by 2-track recording. Also, White Stripes stayed basic, while Frank got more complex within the recording confines.

Trompe is my number one, easy. Every song seems to be written to be slotted exactly into place. Insanely great flow.

Shocked that wasn't on a regular album, but the whole of One More Road For The Hit is so solid that it's just baffling that he doesn't get due credit. I'd put that as third best Catholics album and it's a fucking B Sides comp.

Biggest pop culture pet peeve is everyone acting like he jumped off a cliff after Doolittle. Trompe Le Monde, motherfuckers!

I didn't even know Fat Tony was dead.  SPOILERS

Lilly's catchphrases have always fallen flat for me. I'm behind on this show, debating catching up… is this catchphrase sold better than where's the poop? or you sunnuvabeetch?