
Jesse's voice worked for me—  I liked the fact that we the audience could 'hear' the fact that he was obviously indoors making the phone call, emphasizing the fact that we get to see Walt on the receiving end of a scam for once.

Spoken like a rat.


Funniest goddamn bit ever.  The entire movie almost gets sucked into the black whole of that line reading, it's so much funnier than anything that comes before or after it, it's unfair.

Yup.  The actor pretty much showed his hand immediately.  Before putting it down his pants.

Really hope they give Stuhlbarg some interesting stuff to do before Rothstein gets offed (History Spoiler!).  I'm a little down on this show but he is simply incredible in that role.

'People like me'?  I think there's plenty of television that merits in-depth analysis.  In fact, I think that there are plenty of things to notice and discuss about 'Boardwalk Empire'.  But this reviewer's attempts to construct 'themes' and subtext to this show feel forced and glib to me.  Sorry, I guess?  I've read

Hey, I like the show.  But I think you're right, it's a lot of talent put into a blender and the results are pretty good, but never that surprising or game-changing.  For instance, while I love Michael Shannon, I don't think the show has ever really figured out what to do with Van Alden.  Whereas I think 'Sopranos',

Sorry Genevieve, my head aches from reading your overthinking of this show.  It's really not that deep.

The intro is all Scorcese.  The guy is the master (and inventor) of matching dissonant gangster imagery with stirring guitar rock.

Rosemary?  I'll eat her!  Heh heh!

Good God I love Wynn Duffy.  Jere Burns plays such a great douchebag;  He's so dry and plainly pragmatic that you kind of see where he's coming from.

Well, after James Gandolfini died, I decided to rewatch the entirety of 'The Sopranos' for the first time since it originally aired. I just finished watching 'Made in America'.

Well, after James Gandolfini died, I decided to rewatch the entirety of 'The Sopranos' for the first time since it originally aired. I just finished watching 'Made in America'.

Rescue him from what?  Probably the Nazis.  I didn't WRITE the final episodes, so why are you asking me?

Dude, ALL the apostles had anachronistic/geographically inaccurate accents.  Victor Fucking Argo was Saint Peter, for chrissakes.  I like that the movie dispenses with all the faux-dialect nonsense of period movies written from non-English-speaking cultures.

The Onion AV Club:
The creep was Harvey Keitel

PREDICTION, BITCHES:  I am now completely convinced that Walter is on his way to rescue Jesse with the M-60.    I think Walter's going to make one final stab at personal redemption by saving Jesse's life after he's lost everything.  It's been reinforced time and again that Jesse represents the last vestige of Walt's

Great writeup,  glad I wasn't the only one who chuckled watching Walt's 'bullshit walk'.  He has that way of primly jogging while trying to maintain some delusional belief that he is STILL TECHNICALLY WALKING, YOU SEE THESE FEET?  HEEL-TOE, MOTHERFUCKER  that is just funny as shit.

Mike died?  I thought he was in Belize.