
No denying it's propulsive music, but c'mon man.  That is a very well-choreographed scene and the terrible stuff that happens to Hit-Girl prior to that scene definitely helps it pay off.  If all I cared about was visceral music cues and violence, I'd be a much bigger fan of 'Natural Born Killers'.  And I hate 'Natural

Yes, thanks to Chloe Moretz, Nicholas Cage, and Matthew Vaughn's flair for cheeky ultra-violence.  But the reviewer is right, Kick-Ass himself (and Aaron Taylor-Johnson) are completely uninteresting, which is sort of a problem since they're supposed to be the titular main character.

I have laughed in the face of most 'sad' movies.  At most, perhaps I've shed a tear and used it as an excuse to open another bottle of IPA.

Elizabeth Banks for Dr. Girlfriend.

I had a bigger problem with the corny resolution to Lisa's disappearance.  She was murdered by some guy who's like married to her sister???  What episode was that?  That was retarded.

Hank is playing this knowledge so close to the chest, he can't go and get hardware from the DEA… He's not even telling his closest colleagues about his suspicions of Walt.  He's not even going into the office, he's so spooked.  It's pretty realistic, given that he thinks that Walt is in the dark about his knowledge,

Not in the slightest.  Hank is well-established as having anxiety problems (He almost crashes his car after finding out about Walt that very episode!).  There are some leaps in logic in this show (Mike not at all planning for the contingency that Walt might try to kill him when he drops off the go-bag?)… but this was

Regarding Henry: Live Free or Retard

having 'style' doesn't make you a filmmaker, it makes you an art director.  Neither one of those dudes has the faintest fucking idea of how to tell a story with the moving image.

Has it?  Has it??  Dear god, I hated Dark Knight Rises with a passion.  And I really liked the first two movies.  DKR, on the other hand, single-handedly convinced me that Christopher Nolan is WAAAAY not-as-smart-as-people-used-to-think-he-was.

Dude, there was a GREAT superman movie.

I wouldn't argue that Captain America is a great movie (I think it's decent enough)— But Marvel, being the studio as well as the owner and steward of their characters, is extremely adept at understanding and adhering to the essence of their characters*.  'Thor' and 'Captain America' as individual films may be fair to

I HATED how Snyder romanticized the violence in WATCHMEN, after Moore took such great pains to de-romanticize it in his story.  Snyder's a meathead; he completely missed the point of the story.

Say what you want about the Marvel movies, but they got Captain America right, and he's a lot like Superman.  What makes them both fun, and touching, is how UNHIP they are.  And even though they might be conservative in character, they're both non-militaristic at heart, with more of an old-school focus on service and

He didn't call Superman Returns a good movie (it wasn't)… in fact, he articulated all the same problems with Superman's characterization in that movie as you did.

Agreed.  Enjoyed the first two Nolan movies, but eeeewwwww.  That third one shit the bed something awful.  It was like Nolan decided to jettison everything that was good about the first two, and double down on everything that was weak.

Don absolutely had a point;  He also absolutely had his own, envious, nasty little motivations to twist the knife.  Which is sort of what makes this such a well-written episode.


also, how is a 'Renly' different from a 'Loras'?  I guess maybe Renly was the top?

All good points.  I think part of the issue people have with Daenerys is that things pretty much went swimmingly for her this whole season (I did NOT expect Yunkai to go so well for her)… But c'mon, we know the good times are not going to last.  And as others have stated on this board, people forget too easily how