
I've been over this in other threads and agree that the imagery could be…taken the wrong way.  But also, after rewatching the scene I think the cheesy music also had a lot to do with why that scene felt slightly off.

First of all, I don't think literacy is all that common in this world.  Secondly, just as Davos referenced when he lied about who taught him to read, Stannis had a Maester (the guy who died trying to poison Melisandre last season).  I imagine the Maester did all the reading and crow-handling, just like the Maester who

You HEAR THAT, HBO??????????

Yeah, it's not like Coster-Waldau's accent is 'English' either.  For Pete's sake.  And they're not in 'England' anyway.  Dinklage's fake accent bugged me for the first part of Season 1, but his performance transcends the accent at this point.

This is a fair point, I guess it was easy to get carried away because watching the translator tick off all of Dany's titles was so much awesome sauce, it primed me.  And what can I say, I'm a red-blooded former D&D dude who is a sucker for a hot white-haired chick with dragons.  I do think the writers may have tacked

To each their own, but I guess I don't understand what people expect to 'happen'.  I love this show for the characters and all the murky political and ethical maneuverings, they ARE the 'things that happen' for me.  I mean, I'm pretty goddamned pleased just to watch Tyrion lob impeccably worded threats at Joffrey and

I've gotten flak for being violently anti-spoiler, and you are totally not being that guy.  You're just saying, 'hey, it was handled better in the books', period. No rational person could have a problem with that.  If you were idiotking, you'd be much more 'Yeah, they flubbed that, but wow-wee I hope they don't flub

debatable, but dark-skinned people did enslave other dark-skinned people throughout history.  I agree that the imagery of that final scene was somewhat unfortunate, but do not see an agenda or a lack of understanding of history in the writing of that scene.  Dany's personal story, in fact, has been pretty solidly

I don't get it, shouldn't Loras be her Dream Husband?

Also, he named him 'Hand of the King' at the end of Season 1.  This is not something Tywin does out of sentimentality, he really values Tyrion's smarts.  In fact, it seems like Tywin is angry at Tyrion for being obviously the best Lannister, but also being a Dwarf and a poon-hound.  Tywin just can't handle the

Hmm.  It may be true that Dany isn't the most fascinating character, but the storytelling (not just the dragons) around her is AWESOME.  Watching her evolution from chattel to queen has been terrifically gratifying (with a bloated intermission in Quarth).  Her burning of the slaver and sacking of the city was an easy

Ok, but really doesn't he show more respect for Tyrion than for, say, Cersei?  He dismisses the small council but talks frankly to Tyrion alone.  Am I crazy for thinking that Tywin sort of likes Tyrion but can't fully get his head around liking the dwarf who 'killed' his wife and is the obvious inheritor of his

Car Analogy, I am 'vehement' because I think it is really, truly gross to use someone's very brief porn career, when they were very likely extremely poor and very definitely young, as a bludgeon to beat them with when someone doesn't like their acting.  This is especially true in the case of Sibell Kikelli, who has

She was IN a porn, but fuck you for characterizing her that way.  She was terrific in 'Head On'.  Just try to watch that movie and then denigrate her as 'just a porn actress', asshole.

Maybe it's because I'm an artsy Brooklyn guy, but yeah I dig the down n' dirty empowered babes.  Osha especially, and Yara, and Brienne are totally hot in my book.  But Yara seemed sexier last season…  although I'm always happy to see a scene with Lord Skullet and His Most Badass Fireplace.

Maybe, but if it seems like someone is overacting, doesn't that mean that someone isn't doing their job as an actor?

Idiotking, believe it or not I understand where you're coming from.  But even when you don't post 'spoilers'— i.e., specific stuff that happens— When you talk about things with CLEAR KNOWLEDGE of future events, or hint at their context, like 'yeah that's the biggest moment in the whole story so far, except maybe

Sal the Boatman is right.  Liam Cunningham is tits.  (Jesus, just watch the single-take scene between him and Fassbender in 'Hunger'!)  The first time I noticed him was way back when he played a soulful killer in 'Cracker'.  There's something about the guy, he is instantly likable in every role.  He's impossible not

I LOVED this episode.  I felt it had so many fist-pump moments. 
Davos doing the right thing.  Tyrion standing up to Joffrey.  Danarys
fixing the speech.  And of course, Yara  'I will get the fastest boat,
recruit the 50 best killers, sail through the mouth of the narrow sea,
march on the dreadfort'…. I could watch

I think Dany's 'amendment' to the speech really was a high point of the episode and nobly tried to rescue the unfortunate imagery, but yeah it was weird.