Kang just watched a bit of British Parliament on C-Span, and David Cameron was discussing how 'knife-crime' was on the downturn in the UK. And Kang thought, 'that's so cute!'
Kang just watched a bit of British Parliament on C-Span, and David Cameron was discussing how 'knife-crime' was on the downturn in the UK. And Kang thought, 'that's so cute!'
Anything would be better than that last season finale. How did they manage to waste Chris Elliott, FFS?
Burning Love is goddamned hilarious.
One nitpick—
I liked the pilot quite a bit. I thought it did a good job of reflecting how dishonest and goofy our institutions are at manufacturing 'meaning' out of tragedy, and portraying how difficult it is for the truly traumatized to rejoin culture and get with the program. Because of this, Liv Tyler's decision at episode's…
Holy moley that's a deep reference!
Extraordinary rendition, guantanamo, and massive warrantless spying and 'data collection' are not small things. You can argue that things 'like' them occurred before 9/11, but now they have become institutionalized, which is a huge change to what the American public would have accepted in 2000, and I think it's…
Seasons 2—6 of the Simpsons are basically The Bible for me.
Yes— I look forward to the next interview when Gary gets around to the 'working on it' part.
Erik Adams thinks that Assad made a mistake when he opted to let Ariel Sharon have control over the Kurdish territories. Van Der Weff thinks that ISIS has masterfully capitalized on Maliki's sectarian overreaching and outmaneuvered the bumbling Iraqi army at every turn. He gives them a B-.
I'm pretty sure that if you looked up 'civilization, how to start and maintain', shunning the crazy assholes is like, step #3. Pretty much right after building a fire and making sure the water's clean.
Fuckwits are not an ethnic or religious group, they are a poisonous weed that chokes our culture and present a very real danger to the species and the planet. As a fuckwit, you wholly deserve to be hurt and belittled.
I love 'Upstream Color', but I wouldn't call it a genre film by any means. I'd say it's a semi-abstract art house drama with sci-fi undercurrents. Besides, I'm talking about directors who might plausibly be asked to helm a mainstream 'Star Wars' summer tentpole movie, and Shane Carruth is surely not one of them.
Why should Peter David's characterization be the only valid one? Kirby and Lee created the character, and Ruffalo's portrayal was engaging and likable. In fact, in some aspects the MCU characters are superior to their comic counterparts. Robert Downey Stark is a HELLUVA lot more interesting than Iron Man in the…
Gotta agree. I was worried that Ruffalo might be a little too studly to play Banner, but he won me over in a fraction of the screentime that Bana and Norton had to work with. He really made me feel like Bruce was a gentle soul who'd been brought to the brink of bitterness by his predicament and had made a daily,…
Yeah, what the fuck? In fact I liked that set quite a bit. There was nothing 'cramped' about it.
While it's a great plot point, it was hobbled by the absolutely terrible dialogue. There have been a few instances this season in which characters blurt out their motivations and regurgitate their backstories so brazenly that they might as well be addressing the audience directly. Hey show, we've paid attention…
*quickly changes OKCupid age range to search exclusively for forty-eight year old women"
Yeah, I get that we're all supposed to be terribly upset at Jaime's RAPE of Cersei because we come to the AV Club wearing smart glasses and desert boots and sensitive-skinny-guy jeans, but can we lay it to rest? It's clear that it was, at worst, some muddled directing that made that scene so problematic (And what…
Well, this is just ridiculous. Hathaway certainly deserves recognition for her talent, as I have asserted again and again. But 'struggling since she was 17 YEARS OLD? Who the hell HASN'T struggled since they were 17 years old? Jesus fucking christ, I'm pretty sure that Martin Scorcese amd Peter O'Toole had to wait…